Lesson 3

Cards (4)

  • Combien - how
    maintainent - now
    J'ai besoin de - I need
    chambres - rooms
    fauteuils - arm chairs
    canape - sofa
    salon - haul
    mais - but
    cherche - one is looking for
    grand magasin - departmental store
    journaux - newspaper
    choses - interesting things
    interessantes - interesting
  • d'un bon four - a good oven
    cuisine - kitchen
    quelques - some
    grandes - big
    casseroles - pans
    specialite - speciality
    des gateux aus noix - some cakes with nuts
    deliciux - delicious
    gentil - nice, kind
    chez - at the place of
    meubles - necessary
    collegue - colleague
    etages - floor
    toillete - toilet
    garage - garage
    balcon - balcony
  • l'enteree - entrance
    l'escalier - staircase
    la salle a manger - the dining room
    avoir besoin de - to be in need of something
    oiseau - bird
    drapeau - flag
    prix - prize
    nez - nose
    cadeau - gift
    monteau - coat
  • bateau - boat
    chateau - castle
    boulangerie - bakery
    cremerie - dairy
    fromagerie - cheese shop
    l'epicerie - grocery
    papeterie - stationary
    libraire - book shop
    biblitheque - library
    charauterie - meat shop