The planet Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago (BYA) based on evidence from radiometric dating of meteorite materiaL
Prokaryotes were Earth’s first organisms.
Eukaryotes’ first appearance on Earth is about 1.8 BYA.
The abiotic (nonliving) synthesis of smallorganic molecules, such as amino acids and nitrogenous bases.
Joining of these smallmolecules into macromolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids.
The packaging of these molecules into protocells.
The origin of self-replicating molecules that eventually made inheritance possible.
Synthesis of Organic Compounds on Early Earth
● Miller-Urey Experiment provided the first evidence that organic molecules needed for life could be formed from inorganic components
● Second source of organic molecules may have been meteorites
Meteorite was also found to have included simplesugars, and nitrogenous bases like uracil.
Protocells: 1. Protocells likely originated with self-replicating molecules and a metabolism-like source in early Earth.
Protocells: 2. Vesicles, fluid-filled compartments enclosed by membranes, played a crucial role in the existence of protocells.
Protocells: 3. Abiotically produced vesicles displayed key characteristics such as simplereproduction, metabolism, and maintenance of internalchemicalenvironments.
Self-Replicating RNA
● RNAcatalysts are called ribozymes.
Self-Replicating RNA: 2. Some ribozymes can make complementarycopies of short pieces of RNA (if they are supplied with nucleotide building blocks)
Self-Replicating RNA: 3. Vesicles with self-replicating RNA would be unique and could grow, split, and pass RNA to daughter vesicles
Self-Replicating RNA: 4. EarlyEarth may have had an "RNAworld" where small RNA molecules replicated and stored genetic information.
Self-Replicating DNA: 5. DNA is chemically morestablethanRNA and can be replicated more accurately.
The geologic record of Earth's history is divided into threeeons: Archaean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic.
Stromatolites are layered rocks formed by certain prokaryotes.
Stromatolites are major constituents of the fossil record.
Prokaryotes were Earth'ssole inhabitants from about 3.5 billion years ago to 2.1 BYA, transforming life through photosynthesis, which produced atmospheric oxygen
Cyanobacteria played a major role in releasingoxygen into the atmosphere.
Atmospheric oxygen levels gradually increased between 2.7 to 2.3 BYA, with a rapid increase hypothesized to be caused by the emergence of eukaryotic cells containing chloroplasts.
Eukaryotic cells are believed to have evolved from prokaryotic cells through the endosymbiotic theory.
The Endosymbiotic Theory - suggests that mitochondria and chloroplasts were once independent prokaryotes that began living within larger host cells
The Endosymbiotic Theory - Initially, this relationship was likely parasitic, with the host cell feeding on other organisms through phagocytosis.
Mitochondria was formed through bacteria capable of aerobic respiration.
Chloroplasts originated from photosynthetic bacteria.
Evidence supporting the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and plastids are:
○ Similarities in membrane structure
○ Replication process
○ DNA structure
○ Protein synthesis machinery to living prokaryotes
Mitochondria and plastidsboth have:
○ Single, circular DNA molecules similar to bacterial chromosomes
○ Ribosomes resembling prokaryoticribosomes
Such ribosomes resemble prokaryoticribosomes in terms of:
○ Size
○ RNA sequence
○ Sensitivity to certain antibiotics.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the early earth right after its formation?
a.Bombarded with huge chunk of rock and ice
b. The water available was vaporized
c. Eukaryotesinhabit the planet
d. There is an extreme heat throughout the planet
When did the massive bombardment on earth ended?
a.4 million years ago
b. 40 million years ago
c. 4 billion years ago
d. 40 billion years ago
Who are the two people who hypothesized that that life arose gradually from inorganicmolecules?
AlexanderOparin and Haldane
When organic molecules coming from inorganic molecules were hypothesized, what were the source of energy scientists thought of?
Lightning and UV radiation
What is the correct order of the eons in Earth’s history?
Archaean, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic
Stromatolites are layered rocks formed by certain prokaryotes.
Stromatolites are majorconstituents of the fossil record.
Prokaryotes were Earth's sole
inhabitants from about 3.5 billion
years ago to 2.1 BYA, transforming
life through photosynthesis, which
produced atmospheric oxygen.
Cyanobacteria played a major role
in releasing oxygen into the
Eukaryotic cells are believed to
have evolved from prokaryotic cells
through the endosymbiotictheory.
endosymbiotic theory suggests that mitochondria and