a visual representation of knowledge that structures information by arranging important aspects of a concept or topic into a pattern using labels.
Graphic Organizer
main function of graphic organizer is to help present information in concise ways that highlight the organization and relationship of concepts.
shows the hierarchical relationship between major concepts and their subordinate elements.
main idea and details chart
is a general organizer that shows a central idea with its corresponding characteristics.
Concept Map
Maps are excellent for brainstorming, activating prior knowledge,or generating synonyms. Is also used to show hierarchical relationships with most important concept place within at the top
shows a series of step or eventss in the order in which they take place
flow diagram or sequence chart
used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more concepts;most commonly used organizer.
Compare/Contrast or Venn diagram
highlights the irect relationship between different events or concepts.
Cause-And-Effect Diagram
The two main types of outlines are the topic outline and the sentence outline
Topic outline:
Arranges ideas hierarchically, showing main and sub-points
Identifies all mini topics in the paper and shows how they relate
Sentence outline:
Similar to topic outline but uses complete sentences instead of words/phrases
Narration is used to tell a story or relate an event, often in chronological order
Description is used to visually present a person, place, event, or action with sensory details
Definition explains a concept, term, or subject by defining the term, its class, and characteristics that differentiate it
Commonly used in sciences, humanities, and business
Exemplification is used to show or explain an idea by giving extended examples or detailed series of examples
Many writing assignments in various disciplines require the use of exemplification
sensory details of description:
sight, sound, smell, feel and taste.
Persuasion paragraph intends to convince readers to do or believe in something
Root words provide the basic structure and meaning to words
English rootwords and their meanings are commonly derived from Greek and Latin roots
Many English words are formed by adding prefixes and suffixes to root words
A basic word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added is called a root word
Root word forms the basis of a new word and is a word in its own right, e.g., "lovely" from "love" + suffix "-ly"
A root is the basis of a new word but does not typically form a stand-alone word
Analyzing different parts of a word helps understand the meanings of new words
New words are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin or Greek root or root word
When affixes are added to the beginning, they are prefixes, e.g., "un-" means not or opposite of, like "unhappy"
When affixes are added to the end, they are suffixes, e.g., "-s" and "-es" mean more than one or plural, like adding "-es" to "wish"
paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized, coherent,
and are all related to a single topic
Physical Format is an aspect of the organization that is immediately apparent to
the reader.
Signal words are textual cues that readers can use to follow a text.
They can “signal” the transition from one point to another, the
ordering of events and concepts, or the writer’s chosen text type
structure provides the framework upon which the text is
Beginning: introduction, thesis statement hook.
structure consists of the following:
when affixes are added to the beginning of a root word,its called prefixes
when affixes are added in the end of the root word,its called suffixes