Is a Formula on How exactly like the Enterprise plan to make moneyout of the Business
The Business Goal shows the future and Long -TermTarget of the enterprise
A vision is an Idealized state that the entreprise wants to achieve at a Specified Future time.
An objective is a measurable end result unexpected usually, Obiective revolues around the customers the market and theFinancial outcomes Desires
key result areasQualitative manifestation that objective is Being realized.
performance indicators provide numerical Quantitative measure For each and every key resum area
Social environment include the relevant demographics and Socio cultural Dimension that InFluence the Behavior of the enterprise customers.
Business Concept
contains concept the eseense of the entreprise
vision, mission, objective, key result area, performance indicator
mission the purpose for being of the enterprise.
The executive summary
contains everything that is relevant and important to the business audience.
Economic environment external factors that influence the behavior of costs affecting the supply and demand of products which the enterprise is producing.
Economic environment
includes external factors that influence the behavior of costs affecting the supply and demand of products which the enterprise is producing.
Ecological environment
includes all natural resources and forces that impact the long-term sustainability of the enterprise and its competitors.
Technological environment
includes trends in the use of technology (machinery and equipment, operating processes, and systems) that impact the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises in an industry.
Entreprise Strategy
builds and develops the game plan for attaining competitiveness.
Political environment
DeFines the governance system of the Country or the Local area of the Business
Enterprise Delivery System
the entire process of converting inputs into outputs and these outputs into outcomes.