Micropara: week 1

Cards (33)

  • Microbiology: Study of living organisms that are too small to be seen without magnification
  • Parasitology: Study of organisms whose activities affect other organisms
  • Proponent of the epidemiologic triad: wade hampton first
  • Agent: causative organisms of the infection
  • Host: a refuge in which the agent shall stay and perform its living processes
  • Environment (locale): the area where the host resides
  • What is the nurses role in epidemiologic triad?
    cut off at least one relationship between at least two corners of the triangle
  • Agent x Host : agent will not have contact with the host
  • Host x locale: host may go to different area to prevent contraction
  • Locale x agent: environment can be made unconducive for agent proliferation
  • Definitive host: A host that contains the adult form of a pathogen or where multiplication of an infectious agent happens
  • Intermediate host: A host that contains the larval stage of a pathogen, or where a pathogen is in its premature stage
  • Reservoir host: A host that serves as a container for a pathogen
  • Paratenic Host: A non-obligatory host in which larvae do not reproduce nor reach a a mature stage
  • Accidental Host: A non-obligatory host in which larvae may mature but do NOT reproduce
  • Direct: All stages of a pathogen’s life cycle are present in a single host
  • Indirect: There are necessary portions in the pathogen’s life cycle that must be exposed to an environment other than the main host
  • Vectors: Transmit pathogens from one vertebrate host to another
  • Biological: transmits pathogens, where pathogens undergo its developmental stages
  • Mechanical:
    • transmit pathogens but are not infected themselves
  • Prevalence rate: number of people with the disease over a period of time and consists of old and new cases
  • Incidence: number of new cases with the disease and may be used for acute cases
  • Incidence proportion: observation period of new cases of the infection is the same across all individuals being observed
  • Incidence rate: observation period for new cases of the infection varies significantly from individual to individual in a group being obserbed
  • Case fatality rate: measures the degree of lethality of an infection
  • Mortality rate: crude death rate
  • Preventive: active screening of individuals who may have the disease
  • Promotive: health education projects and increasing the community's self reliance towards their own health
  • Curative: treatment of cases
  • microbes: non living and living organism
  • Pathogens: disease causing microorganism
  • Non-pathogen: microbes that do not cause disease
  • Indigenous microbiota: microbes that live on and in the humand body