A proportionate saving in costs gained by an increased level of production
Push factors
something that is forcing the business to look at trading in another country
being pushed into trading internationally
the 2 Push factors are :
Saturated markets with any low growth opportunities
high levels of domestic competition
Domestic markets
The home markets depends on where the business is situated
Saturated markets (1)
a saturated domestic market means that a business or group of businesses has sold a product to just about everyone who will buy one
saturated markets (2)
R&D taking place business needs to continue to trade and grow so will look for nw market for products abroad
competition in domestic market
high level of competition in domestic market means that a business will look abroad to where there may be less competition and lucrative markets opportunities
competition in domestic market example
food and drink market in UK is very competitive but there is a very buoyant market for unusual food exported to other countries
Pull factors
means something that is forcing the business to loo at trading in another country
The two pull factors are:
Economies of scale
risk spreading
Opportunities overseas markets
increase sales = increased profits
demand increases for product in other countries
grow faster than those limited to domestic markets
gain economies of scale
drive production to level delivers economies of scale, if P/S is standard across export markets with little or no adaption
achieving greater economies of scale = more const-competitive
Types of economies of scale (5) - Marketing economies of scale
business can spread cost of one advertising campaign across several countries or products
ypes of economies of scale (5) - bulk buying
reduce cost of raw materials by getting discounts from supplies for buying goods in bulk quantities
types of economies of scale (5)- Technical economies scale
Business groups spread the high costs of buying large equipment over the production of more goods
types of economies of scale (5) - Financial economies of scale
Business groups will be able to negotiate better lending rates with banks, reduce fixed costs
types of economies of scale (5) -risk bearing
large companies becomes thee more likely it is to survive a downturn in the economy
when a business relocates some of its business process to another country. e.g manufacturing, accounting
benefits of offshoring
lower minimum wage levels in other countries
take advantage off trading blocs or trade deals
advantage of tax and other benefits offered by host nation
access to a larger talent pool
Where a business function, such as payroll, is contracted out to third-party businesses. May or may not be in another country
Benefits of outsourcing
flexibility, lower costs, get experts in field, allows business to focus on core
drawbacks of outsourcing
won't be able to manage them
Product lifecycle extension
where a mature or even declining product could be sold into international markets. Rather than withdrawing the product from sale and can continue to make and distribute it
product life cycle
why use extension of product lifecycle
if declining in the UK can sell abroad to a market where not in decline