Superconductivity was discovered by Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911
Resistance of Mercury decreases with decreasing temperature up to 4.15K, at which point it drops to zero
Superconductivity is the phenomenon where electrical resistance of certain materials drops to zero below a critical temperature
Critical temperature (Tc) is the temperature at which a material changes from a normal conductor to a superconductor
Critical magnetic field (Hc) is the value at which a material loses its superconducting property and becomes a normal conductor
Meissner effect is the expulsion of magnetic flux lines from the interior of a superconductor when below its critical temperature (Tc)
Critical current (Ic) is the threshold value of current at which the magnetic field due to the current will be equal to the critical magnetic field
Critical current density (Jc) is the current density at which superconducting properties disappear
Superconductors can be Type-1 or Type-2 based on their magnetization properties in an external magnetic field
Type-1 superconductors expel magnetic field completely below a critical field (Hc) and exhibit complete Meissner effect
Type-2 superconductors have two critical magnetic fields (Hc1 and Hc2) and exhibit a gradual transition from superconducting to normal state
BCS theory of superconductivity explains the formation of Cooper pairs, where two electrons attract each other via exchange of virtual phonons
Cooper pairs are pairs of electrons with opposite spins and momenta that move as a single unit in a superconductor
Quantum tunnelling of Cooper pairs allows them to move through barriers, and Josephson junctions involve superconductors separated by an insulating layer
Josephson device is an insulating material of thickness nearly 1 to 2 nm sandwiched between two different superconducting materials
DC Josephson Effect:
Cooper pairs in superconducting material are in the same phase
Tunnelling of superconducting electrons from one side with higher electron density to another side with lower electron density across the junction creates a dc voltage
Insulating layer introduces a phase difference (𝜙) between wave function of cooper pairs on either side, resulting in super current even with zero applied voltage
Super current (or junction current) is given by JcIsin𝜙 = IcIsin𝜙, where Ic is the maximum junction current depending on the thickness of the insulating layer (between 1μA to 1 mA)
AC Josephson Effect:
Applying DC voltage across the Josephson junction introduces an additional phase difference between the Cooper pairs, generating an alternating current
Frequency of alternating current is directly proportional to applied voltage V and is given by ν = ଶୣ ୦
Photon energy of emission or absorption at the junction is hν = 2eV, which translates to ν = 483.5 × 10 ଵଶ V Hz
For an applied voltage of 1μV, the frequency of the ac signal is ν = 483.5×10 12 V = 483.5×10 12 ×10 -6 = 483.5 M Hz
SQUID stands for Superconducting Quantum Interference Device and is based on the principle of Josephson effect
SQUID is a sensitive magnetometer used to measure extremely weak magnetic fields as small as 10 -21 T
Two types of SQUID are DC SQUID and RF SQUID (or AC SQUID)
Consists of two Josephson junctions (P and Q) arranged in parallel to form a loop with a DC source connected across X and Y
Biasing current enters at X and leaves at Y
When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the arrangement, a phase difference is introduced between tunneling currents across P and Q, resulting in interference effect
Resultant current is given by Ic sin(𝜙), where 𝜙 is the flux linked with the SQUID and 𝜙 = (h/2e = 2.06 ×10 -15 wb/m2) called fluxoid
RF SQUID is a one-junction SQUID loop used as a magnetic field detector
Less sensitive than DC SQUID but cheaper and easier to manufacture
RF SQUID loop is placed near an LC circuit connected to RF AC source and immersed in a magnetic field
Oscillating current through LC circuit induces magnetic flux coupled with the loop, leading to changes in voltage across LC circuit to measure magnetic flux and its variation with time
Dielectric materials are electrical insulators that can be polarized through an external electric field
Positive and negative charge entities are bounded together in dielectric materials
Behavior can be modified by an external electric field through reorienting charges within atoms or molecules
Polarization in dielectrics is proportional to the net electric field experienced by the dielectric
Types of polarization include Electronic Polarization, Ionic Polarization, Orientation Polarization, and Interfacial or Space-charge Polarization
Charges accumulate at the interfaces of multiphase dielectric materials due to the application of an electric field
Ions are diffused over a distance due to redistribution of charges in the dielectric medium
Redistribution of electric dipoles/charges in a dielectric medium in an external electric field is known as space charge polarization
Total polarization in a dielectric material is given by the sum of Pe, Pi, Po, and Ps
The total polarizability is given by α = αe + αi + αo
Expression for Internal field in the case of Liquids and Solids: When a dielectric material is placed in an external electric field, it is polarized creating electric dipoles
Each dipole sets an electric field in the vicinity, resulting in a net electric field at any point within the dielectric material
Dielectric loss is a measure of the energy lost as heat in a dielectric material when an alternating (AC) electric field is applied
Dielectric loss is frequency-dependent and varies with the frequency of the applied electric field
Different types of polarization processes contribute to dielectric loss at different frequency ranges
Dielectric loss tends to be higher in materials with higher dielectric constants
The frequency dependence of dielectric loss is often represented by a curve showing how the dielectric loss varies with frequency
At low frequencies, the loss is primarily due to energy dissipated as electrons respond to changing electric fields
In the intermediate frequency range, Ionic polarization becomes significant
At higher frequencies, molecular or orientational polarization becomes prominent
As frequency increases, the material's net polarization drops, and its dielectric constant drops
At sufficiently high frequencies, none of the polarization mechanisms are able to switch rapidly enough to remain in step with the field, and the dielectric constant drops to 1
Dielectric loss is utilized to heat food in a microwave oven