
Cards (8)

  • Second Stage of Labor
    • _cm to _cm
    • _ stage
    • Complete E_
    • Ends with I_ B_?
    6, 10, pushing, effacement infant birth
  • Second Stage (Two Phases):
    • L_ - D_ P_, L_ D_, or P_ D_
    • A_ - P_ and U_ to B_ D_
    • F_ R_
    • _ pushes per C_?
    • latent, delayed pushing, laboring down, passive descent, active, pushing, urge, bear down, Ferguson reflex, 3, contraction
  • Second Stage Care Management:
    • Preparation
    • V_ maneuver
    • F_ H_ R_ and P_
    • S_ of P_
    • E_
    • Birth in a delivery room or birthing room
    • L_ position (S_, S_ recumbent)
    • C_
    • R_ maneuver
    • N_ C_?
    • Valsalva, fetal heart rate, pattern, support, partner, equipment, lithotomy, supine, semi, crowning, ritgen, nuchal cord
  • Second Stage Care Management:
    • No F_ P_
    • S_ to S_ care for newborn
    • L_ birth is D_ and K_ E_ together
    • Have D_ C_ C_ as much as possible
    • Manage the P_ T_ due to L_ can cause H_?
    fundal pressure, skin, skin, lotus, deliver, keep everything, delayed cord clamming, perineal trauma, laceration, hemorrhage
  • Perineal Lacerations:
    • First Degree - C_ to the S_
    • Second Degree - E_ into the P_ B_
    • Third Degree - Involves the E_ A_ sphincter
    • Fourth Degree - Completely goes thru R_ M_ disrupting the E_ and I_ A_ sphincter
    • U_ and need P_ M_?
    • confined, skin, extends, perineal body, external, anal, rectal mucosa, external, internal anal, uncomfortable, pain meds
  • Third Stage of Labor:
    • B_ until P_ is expelled and N_ T_ L_
    • P_ expelled withing _ to _ after birth; problematic if more than _ minutes
    • P_ S_ is a S_ G_ of D_ B_ from the introitus and A_ L_ of the U_ C_
    • V_ F_
    • P_ E_ and D_?
    birth, placenta, not too long, placenta, 10, 15, 30, placental separation, sudden gush, dark blood, apparent lengthening, umbilical cord, vaginal fullness, placental examination, Disposal
  • Fourth Stage of Labor:
    • P_ then R_
    • First _ to _ hrs after birth
    • Assess maternal P_ S_ which is P_ changes to P_ S_
    • Fundus every _ min
    • Signs of potential problems
    • E_ B_ L_
    • Alterations in V_ S_ and C_
    • Newborn
    • Maintain A_, Support R_ E_ and Prevent C_ S_
    • Importance of S_ to S_
    • Infant's A_ S_ (1st period of R_)?
    • placenta, recovery, 1, 2, physical status, physiologic, prepregnancy status, 15, excessive blood loss, vital signs, consciousness, airway, respiratory effort, cold stress, skin, skin, alert state, reactivity
  • Fourth Stage of Labor (Postanesthesia):
    • C_ or R_ anesthesia for V_ birth
    • A_
    • R_
    • B_
    • L_
    • C_
    • P_ of L and D is key
    • L_ - good for B_ P_
    • T_ - S_ L_, D_ more into the P_ region?
    • section, regional, vaginal, activity, respirations, blood pressure, LOC, Color, position, lateral, blood perfusion, throne, station lower, distend, pelvic