Naturalists who proposed Natural Selection and Artificial Selection, companion of RobertFitzroy on Beagle route, studied finches
Who is Charles Lyell?
proposed uniformitarianism: geologicalprocesses had not changed throughout Earth’shistory, that they were uniform (Slow processes can create large changes over time) (wrote Principles of Geology)
Who is James Hutton?
proposed that geologicland forms (e.g., canyons) could be explained by mechanisms currently operating (gradualism - profound change results from slow, continuous processes) (meant earth had to be older than 6k yrs)
Who is Jean-Baptiste LaMarck?
Naturalist who proposed that species evolved by the inheritance of acquired traits (God works towards perfection)
Who is Carolus Linneaus?
developed the taxonomicclassificationsystem which recognized a hierarchical pattern of relatedness among species (looks like basalstem)
Who is Thomas Malthus?
Wrote "An Essay on the Principle of Population" and applied to to humans but Darwin used the ideas to livingthings. More deaths than survival, competition for limited resources (why some pop. live and others die)
Who is George Mendel?
Created two laws (segregation and independentassortment)
Who are Rosemary & Peter Grant?
British married couple who are evolutionarybiologists at PrincetonUniversity and who studied ground finches
Who is Micheal Behe?
Creator of the "IntelligenceDesigner" and wrote "Darwin'sBlackBox"
Who is George Curvier?
observed that the fossil record shows that organisms changing over time (less complex to more complex)