Cell Physiology

Cards (50)

  • Introduction to Cells
    • Cells are the building blocks of all organisms
    • Function of cell depends upon specific structural properties
    • All cells come from the division of preexisting cells
    • Cells are the smallest units that perform all vital physiological functions
    • Each cell maintains homeostasis at the cellular level
  • Subdivisions of the cell (4 major subdivisions)
    - Plasma Membrane
    • Encloses the cell
    - Cytoplasm
    • Gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of the cell
    - Organelles
    • Structures with specific functions (e.g., nucleus, mitochondria
    - Nucleus
    • Houses genetic material
    - Physical isolation 
    • Barrier
    - Regulation of exchange with the environment
    • Ions and nutrients enter
    • Wastes eliminated and cellular products released
    - Sensitivity to the environment
    • Extracellular fluid composition and chemical signals
    - Structural support
    • Anchors cells and tissues
  • Plasma membrane
    - Phospholipid bilayer
    • Hydrophilic heads - face outward on both sides, toward watery environments
    • Hydrophobic fatty - acid tails - inside membrane
    • Barrier to ions and water - soluble compounds
  • Membrane proteins (and channels)
    - Integral proteins
    • Within the membrane
    - Peripheral proteins
    • Bound to inner or outer surface of the membrane
    - Anchoring proteins (stabilizers)
    • Attach to inside or outside structures
    - Recognition proteins (identifiers)
     • Label cells as normal or abnormal
    - Enzymes
    • Catalyze reactions
  • Membrane proteins (and channels)
    - Receptor proteins
    • Bind and respond to ligands (ions, hormones)
    - Carrier proteins
    • Transport specific solutes through membrane
    - Channels
    • Regulate water flow and solutes passing through membrane
    • Gated channels open or close to regulate passage of substances
  • Membrane carbohydrates
    - Proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and glycolipids
    • Form sticky “sugarcoat” (glycocalyx)
    • Extend outside cell membrane
    - Functions of the glycocalyx
    • Lubrication and protection
    • Anchoring and locomotion
    • Specificity in binding (function as receptors)
     • Recognition (immune response)
  • Organelles (in cell and cytoplasm)
    - Cytoplasm
    • All materials inside the cell, outside of the nucleus
    - Cytosol (intracellular fluid)
    • Contains dissolved materials
    - Nutrients, ions, proteins, and waste products
    • High protein and potassium levels
    • Low carbohydrate, lipid, amino acid, and sodium levels
    - Organelles
    • Structures with specific functions (e.g. nucleus, mitochondria)
  • Organelles
    - Non-membranous organelles
    • No membrane
    • Direct contact with cytosol
    • Include the cytoskeleton, centrioles, ribosomes, proteasomes, microvilli, cilia, and flagellaI
    - Membranous organelles
    • Isolated from cytosol by a plasma membrane
    Nucleus, Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and mitochondria
  • Non-membranous organelles
    - Cytoplasmic Inclusions
    • Masses of insoluble materials in cells
    • Some consist of glycogen or lipid droplets
    - Cytoskeleton
    • Structural proteins for shape and strength
    • Microfilaments
    • Intermediate filaments
      • Microtubules
  • Cytoskeleton
    Microfilaments — thin filaments composed of the protein actin
    • Provide mechanical strength
    • Interact with other proteins to adjust consistency of cytosol
     • Interact with thick filaments of myosin for muscle contraction
    Intermediate filaments — mid-sized between microfilaments and microtubules
     • Durable
    • Strengthen the cell and maintain its shape
    • Stabilize position of organelles
    • Stabilize cell position
  • Cytoskeleton
    - Microtubules — large, hollow tubes of tubulin proteins
    • Attach to centrosome
    • Strengthen cell and anchor organelles
    • Change cell shape
    • Move organelles within the cell with the help of motor proteins(kinesin and dynein)
    • Form spindle apparatus to distribute chromosomes
    • Form centrioles and cilia of organelles
  • Organelles
    - Microvilli
    • Increase surface area for absorption
     • Attach to cytoskeleton
    - Centrioles
    • Form spindle apparatus during cell division
    • Centrosome — cytoplasm next to the nucleus that surrounds centrioles
  • Organelles
    - Cilia (singular, cilium)
    • Slender extensions of plasma membrane
     • Move fluids across the cell surface
    • A primary cilium is nonmotile
    - Found on a variety of cells
    - Senses environmental stimuli
    • Motile cilia are found on cells lining the respiratory and reproductive tracts
    - Microtubules in cilia are anchored to a basal body
    - Flagellum is whip-like extension of cell membrane
  • Organelles
    - Ribosomes — organelles that synthesize proteins 
    • Composed of small and large ribosomal subunits
    - Contain ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
    • Free ribosomes in cytoplasm
    - Manufacture proteins that enter cytosol directly
    • Fixed ribosomes are attached to ER
    -  Manufacture proteins that enter ER for packaging
    - Proteasomes
    • Organelles that contain enzymes (proteases)
    • Disassemble damaged proteins for recycling
  • Endoplasmic reticulum
    • Contains storage chambers known as cisternae
     • Functions
    1. Synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids
    2. Storage of synthesized molecules and materials
    3. Transport of materials within the ER
    4. Detoxification of drugs or toxins
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum
    - Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
     • No attached ribosomes
    • Synthesizes
    - Phospholipids and cholesterol (for membranes)
    - Steroid hormones (for reproductive system)
    - Glycerides (for storage in liver and fat cells)
    - Glycogen (for storage in muscle and liver cells)
    - Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
     • Surface covered with ribosomes
    - Active in protein and glycoprotein synthesis
    - Folds proteins into secondary and tertiary structures
    - Encloses products in transport vesicles for delivery to Golgi apparatus
  • Golgi apparatus (post office)
    - Functions
    1. Modifies and packages secretions for release from cell (hormones, enzymes)
    2. Adds or removes carbohydrates to or from proteins
    3. Renews or modifies the plasma membrane
  • Lysosomes
    - Powerful enzyme - containing vesicles produced by Golgi apparatus
    - Primary lysosomes
    • Contain inactive enzymes
    - Secondary lysosomes
    • Formed when primary lysosomes fuse with damaged organelles and enzymes are activated
    - Function to destroy bacteria, break down molecules, and recycle damaged organelles
  • Peroxisomes
    • Small, enzyme - containing vesicles
    • Produced by division of existing peroxisomes
    • Break down organic compounds such as fatty acids
  • Mitochondria
    - Smooth outer membrane
    - Inner membrane has numerous folds (cristae)
    • Cristae surround fluid contents (matrix)
  • Mitochondria
    - Take chemical energy from food (glucose)
    • Produce the energy molecule ATP (uses oxygen)
    • Cellular Metabolism
      - Catabolism - Breakdown of complex molecules into simple ones 
    Anabolism - Synthesis of molecules to build/support organs andtissues
    - Happens simultaneously
    • "A B C D" : Anabolism = Biosynthesis ; Catabolism = Degradation
  • Recipe for ATP
    1. Glycolysis
    ▪ Glucose to pyruvic acid (in cytosol)
    ▪ Mitochondria absorb pyruvate molecules
    2. Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle, or TCA cycle)
    ▪ Occurs in mitochondrial matrix
    ▪ Breaks down pyruvate
    3. Electron transport chain
    ▪ Inner mitochondrial membrane, changes electrical stability for influx and efflux of produces
    - 3 steps occur simultaneously
  • Aerobic vs Anaerobic
    - glucose brought in, out goes ATP absorbs oxygen and short carbon chains, pyruvate and generate carbon dioxide, ATP and water
    - at times of inadequate oxygen, pyruvate is used to turn pyruvic acid to lactic acid for ATP
    • exercising, build up of lactic acid in cells cause side effects of cramping
  • Transporting across a plasma membrane
    - Plasma membrane is selectively permeable (semi-permeable)
    • Allows some materials to move freely
    • Restricts other materials based on their:
    - Size
    - Electrical charge (creating membrane potential?)
    - Molecular shape
    - Lipid solubility
  • Transport through plasma membrane
    - Transport through plasma membrane can involve passive processes (no energy required) or active processes (requiring energy)
    • Passive: Diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion and sometimes carrier-mediated transport
    • Active: Vesicular and sometimes carrier-mediated transport
  • Passive transport
    - Diffusion
    • Net movement of a substance across membrane from area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration
    • Ions and molecules are constantly in motion to maintain specific environment
    Concentration gradient
    - Substances move from area of HIGH concentration to area of LOW concentration
  • Diffusion
    - Factors influencing diffusion
    • Distance the particle has to move
    • Ion and molecule size
    Smaller = faster diffusion
    • Temperature
    - More heat = faster diffusion
     • Concentration gradient
    Steeper gradient = faster diffusion
     • Electrical forces
    Opposites attract, like charges repel
  • Diffusion across plasma membrane
    - Simple diffusion (smaller products, quicker easier)
    • Lipid-soluble compounds (alcohols, fatty acids, and steroids)
    • Dissolved gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
     • Water molecules
    - Channel-mediated diffusion (larger)
     • Water-soluble compounds and ions
     • Affected by size, charge, and interaction with channel walls
  • Osmosis
    - Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
    - Water molecules diffuse across a membrane toward the solution with more solutes
    - At equilibrium, the solute concentrations on the two sides of the membrane are equal.
    - The volume of solution that has more solutes, increased at the expense of that of solution that has less solutes, changing solubility of solution
  • Osmotic pressure
    - Osmosis can be prevented by resisting the change in volume.
    - If the osmotic pressure of solution that has more solubles is equal to the amount of hydrostatic pressure required to stop the osmotic flow:
    • The osmotic flow from solution with less solubles is stopped from going to solution with more.
  • Osmotic terms
    - Hydrostatic (fluid) pressure
    • Pressure of standing fluid (water) on membrane
    - Osmotic pressure
    • The force with which pure water moves into a solution as a result of solute concentration
    • Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure needed to block osmosis
    - Water moves until osmotic pressure = hydrostatic (fluid) pressure
  • Osmotic terms
    - Osmosis occurs more rapidly than solute diffusion
    • Because water can cross a membrane through abundant water channels (aquaporins)
    • Aquaporins outnumber solute channels
    - Osmolarity (osmotic concentration)
      • Total solute concentration in a solution
  • Tonicity & Osmolarity
    - The amount of solution and concentration of solute in the solution will cause the cell to gain or lose water, changing cell volume & shape
    - Osmolarity describes the concentration of solute in a volume of solution
     - Tonicity describes how that solution affects cells
  • Tonicity & Osmolarity
    • Depends on the nature of the solutes
    • Isotonic solution (iso = same, tonos = tension)
      - Does not cause osmotic flow!
    • Hypotonic solution (hypo = below)
      - Lower solute concentration than the cell
    • Hypertonic solution (hyper = above
      - Higher solute concentration than the cell
  • Tonicity & Osmolarity
    - The number of solute particles per volume of solvent
    - When considering both tonicity and osmolarity...
    • A cell in an isotonic solution = no osmotic flow, cell stays same size and shape
    • A cell in a hypotonic solution = cell gains water which may lead to cell rupture (hemolysis)
    • A cell in a hypertonic solution = cell loses water and may shrink (cremation)
  • Carrier mediated transport (across membrane)
    - Proteins transport ions or organic substrates across plasma membrane, depends on:
    - Specificity
    • One transport protein, one set of substrates
    - Saturation limits
    • Rate depends on availability of transport proteins and substrates
    - Regulation
    • Cofactors such as hormones affect activity of carriers
  • Carrier Mediated Transport direction
    - Symport (cotransport)
    • Two substances move in the same direction at the same time
    - Antiport (counter-transport)
    • One substance moves in while another moves out
  • Carrier Mediated Transport
    - Facilitated diffusion
    - Passive
    - Across concentration gradients
    - Carrier proteins transport molecules too large to fit through channel proteins (glucose, amino acids)
    • Molecule binds to receptor site on carrier protein
    • Protein changes shape, molecule passes through
    • Receptor site is specific to certain molecules
    - Limited by # of binding sites
  • Carrier Mediated Transport
    - Active transport
    - Proteins move substrates against concentration gradients
    - Requires energy, such as ATP
    • Ion pumps move ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+)
    • Exchange pumps move two ions in opposite directions at the same time
    - E. g. , Iodine needs to move from blood (low conc. ) into thyroid gland (high conc.)
    - ATP needed to work against concentration gradient