
Cards (8)

  • Writing process
    Sequence of physical and mental actions that people take as they produce any kind of text. It is not chronological or linear, rather it is recursive. That means you have the opportunity to repeat a writing procedure indefinitely or produce multiple drafts first before you can settle on the right one.
  • Draft
    Preliminary version of a piece of writing
  • Revise
    Reexamine and make alterations to the written or printed work
  • Edit
    Check the spelling, punctuation marks, indention, etc.
  • Stages or phases of the writing process
    1. Pre-writing
    2. During writing
    3. Post writing
  • Pre-writing activities
    • Gathering Data
    • Conduct Audience Analysis
    • Preparing an Outline
    • Determine the Purpose
    • Selecting a Topic
    • Narrowing Down the Topic
    • Brainstorming
    • Freewriting
  • During Writing Activities
    • Preparing an Outline
    • Write the Draft
    • Create the Introduction
    • Body and Conclusion
    • Write the Thesis Statement
    • Write the Supporting Details
  • Post writing Activities
    • Revising
    • Editing
    • Publishing
    • Feedbacking