
Cards (73)

  • Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in products and services
  • Marketing involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing products or services
  • Customer needs change over time, and marketing helps to respond to these changes
  • The business environment is subject to constant changes, such as new laws, changes in technology, and new competitors entering the market
  • Marketing department works closely with production department to ensure:
    • Adequate research and development is planned to satisfy current and future customer needs
    • The item can be manufactured to the quality and design desired by the consumer
    • The volume of orders generated by marketing can be met within the time schedule
  • Marketing department needs to work closely with finance department to ensure:
    • Adequate budget for research, promotion, and distribution
    • Business operates within its financial capabilities
  • Marketing department needs to work closely with HRM department to ensure appropriate skills and staffing levels are in place for:
    • Research and develop new product ideas
    • Meet production targets
    • Create a competent sales team
  • Marketing objectives are the brand's clear-cut, defined goals
  • Marketing objectives set out what a business wants to achieve from its marketing activities
  • Marketing objectives provide clear direction for team members to follow
  • Implementing a straightforward marketing plan helps achieve goals and meet marketing objectives
  • Examples of marketing objectives:
    • Increase sales
    • Grow brand awareness
    • Increase market share
    • Retain current customers
    • Grow digital presence
    • Promote new products or services
  • Demand is the quantity of consumers willing and able to buy products at various prices during a given period of time
  • Supply is the amount of a product or service that suppliers are willing to offer to consumers at a given price level at a given period
  • Demand curve:
    • As the price of a good increases, the demand for the product will decrease
    • Factors affecting demand include consumer incomes, price of competitors' products, price of complementary products, and marketing activities
  • Supply curve:
    • When prices of a product increase, producers are willing to manufacture more of the product
    • Factors affecting supply include number of firms producing, time period, cost of production, and technology
  • Consumer market refers to the market where people purchase products/services for consumption and are not meant for further sale
  • Customer-oriented business bases its decisions on customers' needs and continually monitors the environment to find out what customers want
  • Product-oriented business focuses more on what it can produce and hopes that it fits customer requirements
  • Product-oriented entrepreneurs assume that everyone will like their idea because they do
  • Entrepreneurs must check for demand before starting out because not everyone thinks or behaves the same way
  • Market share is measured by the sales of a business (or a particular product) relative to the total market sales
  • Market growth measures the rate at which the market as a whole is growing over a given time period
  • A change in market share means that a business' sales account for a greater proportion of the total sales in the market in the given period
  • Market growth rate being positive indicates the market is getting bigger, while a negative growth rate means the market is shrinking
  • Niche marketing targets a specific market segment with a unique offering
  • Advantages of niche marketing include little competition, strong customer relationships, and high margins
  • Dangers of niche marketing include low total number of customers and potential competition from larger firms
  • Mass marketing aims to attract a large portion of the audience and focuses on higher volume sales at lower prices
  • Market segmentation involves dividing the market into different segments based on identifiable traits
  • Demographic segmentation looks at traits such as age, gender, income, and profession/role in a company
  • Psychographic segmentation focuses on customers' personalities, interests, hobbies, and values
  • Geographic segmentation groups customers based on their physical location
  • Advantages of market segmentation include more effective marketing, efficient spending, improved customer retention, and brand differentiation
  • Disadvantages of market segmentation include increased costs due to product proliferation and larger inventory maintenance
  • Customer-relationship marketing involves gathering and analyzing data about customers to understand their behaviors and move them towards a purchase
  • Customer retention is a measure of customer loyalty and can be measured by the proportion of customers who continue to buy from the business over time
  • Businesses use marketing research to identify the main features of a market, including:
    • The growth of a market
    • The size of the market
    • Competitors
  • Market research is the process of gathering, analyzing, and producing data relevant to the marketing process
  • Primary market research gathers data for the first time for a specific purpose