Physics 1

Cards (14)

  • Mechanic: Study of the movement of bodies in general
  • Acoustic: Study of sound and its characteristics
  • Optics: Study of light and its propagations.
  • Thermodynamics: Study of heat and its transformations to other forms of energy.
  • Electromagnetism: Study of electric charges, the magnetic fields and their interactions
  • Mechanical, optics and electromagnetism are examples of Classical Physics
  • Relativistic Physics: Study of the movement of bodies at comparable velocities with that of light.
  • Quantum physics: Study of particle movement in its wave behavior or of the movement of the waves in its behavior as particles.
  • Atomic Physics: Study of the atom, its composition and properties.
  • Nuclear Physics: Study of the atomic nucleus, its components and forces involved.
  • Physics of Particles: Study of the classification of all particles that make up matter to conform to a standard model.
  • Plasma Physics: Study of plasma as a state of the matter of great energy.
  • Polymath: A person who is an expert in many different fields of knowledge.
  • Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics are examples of Modern Physics