Cards (26)

  • is the principle of design and developments of programs using modular approach. Object Oriented Programming
  • Focuses on processing of instructions in order to perform a desired computation. Procedural Programming
  • a concept that combines both the data and the functions that operate on the data into a single unit called the object. Object oriented programming
  • a collection of data members and associated member functions. Object
  • is a collection of objects that have identical properties, common behavior and shared relationship. class
  • refers to the process of representing essential features without including background details or explanations. Data abstraction
  • The wrapping of data and functions into a single unit (class). Data encapsulation
  • a method used in oop to hide information within computer code. Data hiding
  • the process by which one object can acquire and use the properties of another object. Inheritance
  • allows objects to have different meaning depending upon context. Overloading
  • Two types of overloading. Operator overloading and Function overloading
  • When an existing operator operates on new data type is called operator overloading
  • it means two or more function have same name, but differ in the number of arguments or data type of arguments. Function overloading
  • The ability of an operator and function to take multiple forms is known as Polymorphism
  • is the process of connecting one program to another. Binding
  • is the process of linking the procedure call to a specific sequence of code or function at run time or during the execution of the program. Dynamic binding
  • involves specifying the name of the object, the name of the function and the information to be sent. Message passing
  • Advantage's of OOP highlighted keywords only:
    code duplication
    code reusability
    Data encapsulated
  • Applications of OOP's:
    Computer graphics applications
    CAD/CAM software
    Object-oriented database
    User-interface design
    Real-time systems
    Simulation and Modeling
    Artificial Intelligence and expert systems
  • Created the visual basic. Alan Cooper in 1980's
  • Main purpose of Design and Develop graphical user interface
  • Elements of the integrated development environment:
    Form Designer Window
    Form Layout Window
    Project Explorer
    Object Browser
    Properties Window
    Code editor Window
  • detailed set of instructions for a computer to execute. Program
  • self-contained collection of programs that perform a task of the end user. Application programs
  • formal language used to give instructions to computers. Programming language
  • History of programming languages.
    Machine languages
    Procedure oriented languages
    Object oriented languages
    event driven languages
    Natural languages