Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique used to determine the mass and relativeabundance of atoms and molecules in a sample.
what is density?
mass per volume
Distinguish between emission and absorption spectra
Emission Spectrum: light given off when an atomjumps
Absorption Spectrum: electronsabsorbing so they can jumpout
What do the Black lines in the absolution spectra show?
The wavelengths that are missing since that energy has been absorbed by elements
Flame Emission Spectroscopy is a technique that measureslight coming from a light source and separates it into specificwavelengths
The overall color of a light source is often a mixture of wavelengths, like barcodes or fingerprints
Each line on a spectra represents a specific electron jump in the visible wavelengths range
We can only see the jumps in the visible wavelengths range
The spectral lines are like barcodes or fingerprints
The Prism in Flame Emission Spectroscopy separates the light into specific wavelengths
The Detector in Flame Emission Spectroscopy detects the separated wavelengths
The Green Arrows in the spectroscopy represent specific electronjumps
The RedArrows in the spectroscopy represent the Hyman Series
The Yellow Arrows in the spectroscopy represent the Paschen Series
The single electron that Hydrogen has can make jumps in different series:
Balmer Series (visible): The electron returns to n=2 (second energy level)
Lyman Series (ultraviolet): The electron returns to energy level 1 or ground level
Paschen Series (infrared): The electron returns to n=3
Flame tests and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) are analytical methods used to identify elements
These techniques rely on electron transfer between atomic energy levels and line spectra
When elements are burnt, they produce specific colors, which can be used for identification
Spectroscopy uses the wavelength of light to provide information about frequencies and properties of materials
Quantum Theory explains that atoms absorb light and emit electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies
Different parts of the atom are affected by different electromagneticradiation
All elements have specific absorption techniques that rely on energy levels and are shown when heated
When electrons in energy level shells absorb energy, they can change color when heated
If the wavelength of light absorbed by electrons in an outer shell is in the visible region, a specific amount of energy is given off as light of a specific color
For example, sodium emits orange light at 620 nm when heated
Some metals change color when heated due to electron energy level transitions
When electrons absorb energy, they are not stable and will give off the energy and return to their normal place or ground state
Relative atomic mass is the weighted average mass of an element based on the abundance of its isotopes
Mass spectrometry involves the appropriate mathematical representation, including calculating the element and percentage abundance of isotopes
Each peak in a mass spectrum represents an isotope of the element
The height of the peak indicates the relative abundance of that isotope
The position on the x-axis in a mass spectrum indicates the mass of the ion
Isotopes are different forms of an element with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
The relative atomic mass of an element is the ratio of the average mass per atom of the naturally occurring isotopes of the element to 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom
For example, for Magnesium:
79% of 24Mg
10% of 25Mg
11% of 26Mg
The calculation would be: (0.79 x 23.985) + (0.1 x 24.986) + (0.11 x 25.983) = 24.31
The values obtained from the isotopic abundances lead to the relative atomic mass seen on the periodic table