Cards (22)

  • Evacuated Tube System (ETS) is preferred for blood collection as it is direct, efficient, relatively safe, and allows for the collection of multiple tubes easily
  • Equipment needed for venipuncture using ETS:
    • Tourniquet
    • Gloves
    • Antiseptic pad
    • ETS needle
    • Tube holder and tubes
    • Gauze pads
    • Sharps container
    • Permanent ink pen
    • Bandage
  • Two-way/multi-sample needle components:
    • Bevel: slanted opening of the needle
    • Needle shaft: ranges from 1 to 1 ½ inches
    • Threaded hub: screws into needle holder
    • Rubber sheath: rubber cover that prevents blood leakage
  • Evacuated tubes:
    • Sealed with a partial vacuum inside by rubber stoppers
    • Vacuum is artificially created by pulling air from the tube
    • The amount of vacuum is precisely measured by the manufacturer to draw the exact volume of blood indicated on the label
  • Evacuated tube additives:
    • Different blood tests require different types of blood specimens
    • Most tubes have an additive, usually an anticoagulant, to prevent clotting of the blood sample
    • The color of the stopper on each tube indicates the type of additive it contains
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    1. Red Top:
    • Additive: No additive or clot activator
    • Tests: Routine blood chemistry, serology tests, blood bank procedure
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    2. Gold Top:
    • Additive: Gel separator or clot activator
    • Tests: Routine blood chemistry, diagnostic testing of serum for infectious diseases, HLA typing
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    3. Light Blue Top:
    • Additive: Sodium citrate – removes calcium
    • Tests: Prothrombin time, APTT, D-dimer, fibrinogen
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    4. Green Top:
    • Additive: Heparin – inhibits thrombin formation
    • Tests: Arterial blood gas, therapeutic drug monitoring, electrolyte analysis
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    5. Purple/Lavender Top:
    • Additive: Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) – removes calcium
    • Tests: Complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, peripheral blood smear, reticulocyte count, HbA1C
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    6. Black Top:
    • Additive: Buffered sodium citrate
    • Tests: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, coagulation studies
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    7. Grey Top:
    • Additive: Potassium oxalate – precipitates calcium or sodium fluoride – inhibits glycolysis
    • Tests: Glucose determination, Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), blood alcohol level
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    8. Brown/Tan Top:
    • Additive: Sodium heparin – inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin
    • Test: Serum lead determination
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    9. Yellow Top:
    • Additive: Sodium polyanethol sulfonate (SPS) or acid citrate dextrose (ACD)
    • Tests: SPS, blood culture specimen, ACD, blood bank studies, HLA phenotyping
  • Evacuated tubes & additives:
    10. Light Green Top:
    • Additive: Lithium heparin or gel separator
    • Test: Routine chemistry tests
  • Order of draw for venipuncture procedure:
    1. Review and accession test request
    2. Greet and reassure the patient
    3. Identify the patient
    4. Verify patient information and conditions
  • Venipuncture procedure steps:
    5. Select correct tubes and equipment
    6. Wash hands and apply gloves
    7. Position the patient's arm
    8. Apply the tourniquet
    9. Clean the site with alcohol
    10. Assemble the equipment
  • Venipuncture procedure steps:
    11. Insert the tube into the holder
    12. Reapply the tourniquet
    13. Remove the needle cap
    14. Anchor the vein
    15. Insert the needle into the vein
  • Venipuncture procedure steps:
    16. Advance the tube onto the needle
    17. Release the tourniquet
    18. Remove the tube when blood flow stops
    19. Invert anticoagulated tubes promptly
  • Venipuncture procedure steps:
    20. Cover the puncture site with gauze
    21. Activate the safety device
    22. Dispose of the needle/holder assembly
    23. Label the tubes and verify identification
    24. Examine the puncture site and apply a bandage
  • Venipuncture procedure steps:
    25. Prepare the sample for transportation
    26. Dispose of used supplies
    Sites to avoid for venipuncture:
    • Scarred or inflamed skin
    • Arms with IV fluids
    • Edematous arms
    • Arterial puncture
    • Fistula
    • Hand veins
  • Common blood tests affected by additives:
    • Citrate affects alkaline phosphatase, calcium, phosphorous
    • EDTA affects alkaline phosphatase, calcium, creatine kinase, partial thromboplastin, protime, potassium, sodium, serum iron
    • Heparin affects acid phosphatase, calcium, partial thromboplastin, protime, sodium, lithium
    • Oxalates affect acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, calcium, LDH, potassium, protime, RBC morphology
    • Silica gel/clot activators affect partial thromboplastin, protime
    • Sodium fluoride affects sodium, blood urea nitrogen