Marketing is the fastestgrowing area for the application of analytics
A better understanding of consumer behavior through analytics leads to:
Better use of advertising budgets
More effective pricing strategies
Improved forecasting of demand
Improved product line management
Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty
Descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics are heavily used in marketing
NBC-Universal uses predictivemodels to support its annual upfrontmarket in late May, where television networks sell the majority of on-air advertising for the upcoming season
Example of high-impact marketing analytics, automobile manufacturerChrysler teamed with J.D. Power and Associates to develop an innovate set of predictive models to support its pricingdecisions for automobiles. .‘
Google Trends graph shows a pronounced increase in interest in marketing analytics compared to financial and HR analytics
A better understanding of consumer behavior through the use of scannerdata and datagenerated from social media has led to an increased interest in marketing analytics.
Over 200 NBC sales and finance personnel use the results of the predictive model to support pricing and sales decisions.
Set of predicitvemodels help Chrysler to better understand the ramifications of proposed pricing structures
Ramification (a combination of manufacturer’s suggested retailprice, interestrate offers, and rebates) and, as a result, to improve its pricing decisions. The models have generated an estimated annual savings of $500 million