Topic 2 - Neurons

Cards (62)

  • Nervous System
    Body's command center
  • Nervous System
    made up of brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  • Nervous System
    works by sending messages, or electric signals, between your brain and all the other parts of the body
  • Central Nervous System
    within the skull and spine
  • Peripheral Nervous System
    outside the skull and spine
  • Somatic Nervous System
    part of the PNS that interacts with the external environment
  • Autonomic Nervous System
    autonomic system controls a variety of internal processes, including blood pressure, pupil dilation, etc...
  • Sympathetic Nervous System
    stimulates, organize, and mobilize energy resources in threathening situations
  • Sympathetic Nervous Sytem
    Indicative of psychological arousal
  • Parasympathetic Nervous System

    Act to conserve energy
  • Parasympathetic Nervous System
    Indicative of psychological relaxation
  • Afferent Nerves
    carry sensory signals from the skin, skeletal muscles, joints, eyes, ears, and so on, to the CNS
  • Efferent Nerves 

    carry motor signals from the CNS to the skeletal muscles
  • Neuron
    Cells that are specialized for the reception, conduction, and transmission of electrochemical signals
  • dendrites
    The short processes emanating from the cell body, which receive most of the synaptic contacts from other neurons.
  • cell body
    The metabolic center of the neuron; also called the soma
  • cell membrane
    The semipermeable membrane that encloses the neuron.
  • axon
    The long, narrow process that projects from the cell body.
  • axon hillock
    The cone-shaped region at the junction between the axon and the cell body.
  • myelin
    the fatty insulation around many axons
  • nodes of ranvier
    The gaps between sections of myelin
  • buttons
    The buttonlike endings of the axon branches, which release chemicals into synapses
  • synapses
    The gaps between adjacent neurons across which chemical signals are transmitted.
  • endoplasmic reticulum
    A system of folded membranes in the cell body, play a role in the synthesis of proteins and fats
  • ribosomes
    Internal cellular structures on which proteins are synthesized; they are located on the endoplasmic reticulum.
  • cytoplasm
    The clear internal fluid of the cell
  • golgi complex
    A connected system of membranes that packages molecules in vesicles
  • nucleus
    The spherical DNA-containing structure of the cell body.
  • mitochondria
    Sites of aerobic (oxygen-consuming) energy release.
  • microtubules
    responsible for the rapid transport of material throughout neurons
  • multi-polar neuron
    A neuron with more than two processes extending from its cell body
  • multi-polar neuron
    defined as having three or more processes that extend out from the cell body.
  • multipolar neuron
    major neuron type found in the CNS
  • unipolar neuron
    one process extending from its cell body
  • unipolar neuron
    The process that extends toward the CNS is the central process. Unipolar neurons are found primarily in the afferent division of the PNS.
  • bipolar neuron
    a neuron with two processes extending from its cell body
  • bipolar neuron

    One process is called a dendrite, and another process is called the axon.
  • sensory neurons
    transmit information from sensory receptors in the skin, or the internal organs toward the CNS for processing
  • motor neurons
    transmit information away from the CNS toward some type of effector
  • interneurons
    located between motor and sensory pathways and are highly involved in signal integration. The vast majority of interneurons are confined within the CNS.