Physical Properties: - A characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance
EXAMPLES: Mass, volume, color, density, boilingpoint
Chemical Properties: -Describe the ability of a substance to undergo a chemical change.
EXAMPLES: Flammability, Reactivity, type of chemicalbonds.
Particle Nature of Matter -Matter is made up of tiny particles.
-Particles of matter are moving all the time.
-These particles have spaces between them.
-The particles of matter attract each other
Solid: -has a definite shape and volume.
-The particles or molecules are compact and closetogether
-The particles are held by verystrongforce of attraction.
Liquid: -No definiteshape but has a definite volume
- The particles or molecules are able to move or slide over each other.
-Has force of attraction between is stronger than those in gases.
Gas: -No definite shape and volume.
-The particles or molecules are farthestaway from eachother thus, they can move faster at randomdirections.
-The particles are held together by veryweak.force of attraction.
Strongest energy in three states of matter:
Weakest energy in three state of matter:
Medium energy in three state of matter:
Matter - Is anything that occupies space and has mass.
Three different forms/states: Solid, Liquid, Gas
volume: A measure of the space occupied by a sample of matter
Mass: A measure of the amount/gravity of matter in a body/object