Atypical Gender Development (Gender Dysphoria)

Cards (13)

  • Genetic Explanation (Biological Explanation) 

    Certain individuals are predisposed to develop gender dysphoria as a result of inheriting specific genetic info. Gene-mapping studies have focused on identifying genetic similarities and differences between those with and without gender dysphoria. Research has found that certain variants of the androgyn receptor can predispose an individual to gender dysphoria. This gene is responsible for responding to sex hormones.
  • Genetic Explanation - Strength
    Heylens and MZ twins with 39% concordance rate, but 0% in DZ
  • Genetic Explanation - Weakness
    Concordance rate should be 100%, not consistent in all sufferers
  • Brain Sex Theory (Biological Explanation)
    Hormonal influences are linked to masculinisation and feminisation of the brain. There are regions of the brain that are sexually dimorphic (different in males and females) as a result of prenatal hormones (e.g. BSTc in the hypothalamus is typically 40% larger in males). So if there are prenatal hormone imbalances, a male may be born with a smaller BSTc (‘female brain’)
  • Brain Sex Theory - Strength
    Zhou with post-mortems on male to female transgender individuals. BSTc same size an an average female, supporting the idea of a 'female brain'
  • Brain Sex Theory - Weakness
    Inconclusive as cant establish cause and effect (smaller BSTC may be due to hormone therapy)
  • Psychodynamic Explanation (Social Explanation)
    Freud claimed that if the Oedipus and Electra complexes are not fully resolved, gender identity will not occur. For example, if a boy has an absent mother, he will fantasise a symbolic fusion with her (want to be her), and so will ‘feel’ female. This way, any danger of separation is removed as the boy is unconsciously with his mother. This results in a strong internalisation of the opposite gender identity
  • Psychodynamic Explanation - Strength
    Lowry and Zucker with 60% separation anxiety in boys with gender dysphoria (supporting the idea of symbolic fusion)
  • Psychodynamic Explanation - Weakness
    Unscientific and unfalsifiable due to unconscious concepts being non-observable. Decreases validity
  • Cognitive Explanation (Social Explanation)
    GST has a proposed ‘dual-pathway’ (founded by Liben and Bigler), where a person’s interests come above gender identity (non-sex typed schema comes above in-group schema if this continues, resulting in androgyny and in some cases gender dysphoria)
  • Cognitive Explanation - Weakness
    Little evidence as not observable
  • Cognitive Explanation - Weakness
    Lack of explanation
  • Gender Dysphoria
    A psychological disorder characterised by a mismatch between biological sex and psychological gender identity. Results in discomfort and frequent identification with the opposite sex.