Manifest Destiny - territorial expansion at peak in 1840s - term coined by New Yorker in 1845 - God had intended US to control all of North American continent and the right to rule over the 'lesser breeds' (Indians and Mexicans)
1840s - frontier stretched across half the continent (1830 - 20,000 migrated to Texas, some merchants went to to California - 700 settlers by 1842)
Homestead Act (1862) gave people free 160 acres of land as long as they cultivated it over next five years - failed because people couldn't afford farming materials needed to cultivate the land also found 160 acres wasn't enough land to make a living on the Great Plains. Also encouraged fraud - lots of people claiming land (600,000 people) turned out to be cattlemen or representatives of mining or lumber companies
Mythologising the West - seen as special by Americans, believed to possess mythic and symbolic qualities and viewed as 'the real genuine America' (Walt Whitman) - avoided European influence, strong America influences of democracy and equality. Romanticised by artists - possessed qualities Americans admired most - manliness, individualism, self reliance
The Mining Frontier - gold and silver strikes in the 1860s and 1870s - led to scramble and many spent a lifetime in an obsessive search for gold - Washoe district in Nevada had the greatest deposit of precious metals ever found in the US in the Comstock Lode (1859) - led to migration here
1874 massive gold rushes after gov expedition and announcement that gold was found in Black Hills of Dakota Territory - 15,000 arrived in a few months
copper mining also became important esp after invention of electricity and need for wires
Industrialisation - railroads built to make everything more accessible and better connected - 1862 Pacific Railway Act to built railway across the continent - Union Pacific Railroad to build west from Omaha and Central Pacific Railroad of California to build eastwards from Sacramento
Cost around $58,000
Railway mileage in the West increased from 3000 miles im 1865 to 87,000 by 1899
Desert Land Act (1877) - 640 acres of land for $1.25 provided land was irrigated after two years
Timber and Stone Act (1878) - buy 160 acres of land 'unfit for cultivation' for $2.50 and use land for timber and stone which was valuable
However, West was difficult to cultivate and physical resources of the West were finally realised to be limited
West was also predominantly male - 1880 Colorado - twice as many men than women and nearly three times as many men than women in Wyoming - led to wild and crud behaviour from men and society as a whole in the West