Authorof the worlds first pharmacological compendium, Materiia Medica Classic by the Divine farmer
The author of the Sushruta Samhita, considered to be the second most important text in Ayurveda, which is well known for its expositions on surgery
An Egyptian pharaoh
- Died to the deadly bite of the cobra (asp) while cradling it against her breast
Ruler of the kingdom of Pontus
Ingested small amounts of poisons in order to develop immunity
Aimed to develop a universal antidote
A universal antidote that mithridates IV aimed to create
Mithridates famed formula of alleged panantidotal powers
Nicander of Colophon
Greek poet, physician, and librarian. wrote "Theriaka," and "Alexipharmaka." His works mention herbs, drugs, things from animals, and snake bites. Works show a lot of detail even though they mostly are not correct, based on knowledge he had access to at the library.
The work of Nicander that listed 15 snakes, the signs of poisoning in people, and the treatment
Writing of Nicander that addressed 21 toxin found in plants minerals, and kingdoms of animals
Greek philosopher
- Corrupted the youth of Athens and disregarded the gods
- Ordered to consume an extract of the deadly herb Hemlock as his death penalty
Plant used in the death penalty of socrates
Alexander the great
Consumed enormous amounts of wine which led to his death weeks later
Accompanied Emperor Nero's army on its travel around the roman empire
- Created De materia medica
He was Marcus Aurelius court physician
- Wrote De Antidotis I and II and De Theriaca adPisonem
- Created his own remedy, Galenitheriaca
Professional poisoner of Emperor Nero
- Requested by ruler Claudius's wife Agrippina to assassinate him in order for Agrippina's son Nero to succeed as the next Roman Ruler.
Granted Locusta a pardon for all of her previous crimes, enabling her to create a school to instruct others in her craft
First to implement legal framework of toxicology
- Enacted the lex Cornelia desicariis et veneficis
VenetianCouncil of Ten
Venice's ruling authority from around 1310 to 1797
- Perfomed poison executions including, Mehmed II, the Ottoman Empire's Sultan
Catherine de Medici
Involved in the Affair of Poison
- Employed poison as a political weapon
The borigas
Italian family originally from Spain
- Accused of a number of horrible crimes including poisoning
- Their unjustified reputation originates from tales
Catherine Deshayes
Aka La Voisin
- Played a significant role in the french "Affair of the Poisons"
- Supplied poisons for political reasons
Giulia Tofana
Italian lady that manufactured and distributed poison, especially to women trying to get out of violent marriage
- Created Acqua Tufania
Aqua Tofana
Became an almost generic name for extremely powerful poisons
Moises Maimonides
Jewish physician and philosopher who authoredTreatise on Poisons and their Antidoes- Distinguished poisons ashotandcold
Persian polymath that authoredThe Cannon of Medicine
The cannon of medicine
Authored by Avicenna, it contained comprehensivvve descriptions of oleander venoms and other toxins, including opioids
Georgius Agricola
Father of mineralogy
- He authored De Re Metallica
Alchemist and Physician of Swiss-German Descent
- Popularized the idea that " the dose makes the poison"
Jan Baptist Van Helmont
A disciple of Paracelsus
-Focused on gases and their effects
- Used bible and medical alchemical beliefs as his basis
Pietro d'Abano
Italian Philosopher and physician- Wrote on poisons and antidotes in his workConciliator
Girolamo Cardano
A Paduan Polymath
- He provided a thorough examination of the connection between poison and putrefaction
Gerolamo Mercuriale
An Italian physician that wrote on the impact of environmental variables on health and occupational disorders
Andrea Bacci
Opposed the idea of a global definition of poisoned
- Said that poisons are similar to other natural substances
Author of " A Mechanical Account of Poisons in Several Essay".
The first English-Langauage work devoted only to poisons.
Examined venom delivery systems
Bernardino Ramazzini
Italian Physician that is quoted as theFather of Occupational Medicine- He wrote "De Morbis Artificum Diatriba" (Disease of workers)
Percivall Pott
Published Chirugical Observations Relative to cataract, the Polypus of the Nose, and the Cancer of the Scrotum.He noticed high scrotal cancer incidence connected to coal tar and soot exposure
Karl Wilhelm Scheele
Swedish scientist that made various poisonous material identification and isolations, such ashydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride, and compounds containing arsenic
Credited for creating homeopathyPopularized the notion of "Like curse like"-Created test for arsenic oxide
Johan David Metzger and Valentine Rose
They discovered the first methhods for detecting elemental arsenic and arsenic oxides in fluids and tissues