Religions and Philosophies in Asia

Cards (23)

  • Religion is the belief in a higher power as the reason for this world and life.
  • Philosophy is a way of thinking about certain subjects such as ethics, thought, existence, time, meaning and value.
  • Monotheism is the belief in one higher being
  • Polytheism is the belief in more than one god or higher being
  • Torah (Law and lessons) – Sacred book of the Jews.
    The five books that are written by Moses:
  • Bible – The Holy book of the Christians.
    The belief of the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son and
    the Holy Spirit.
  • The Kaaba - meaning cube in Arabic, is a square
    building, elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil.
    Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, it is the holiest shrine
    in Islam.
  • Qur’an – The Holy book of the Islams.
  • Zend Avesta – The Holy book of Zoroastrianism
    which contains the songs created by Zoroaster
  • The Trimurti:
    1. Brahma – The creator
    2. Vishnu – The Preserver
    3. Shiva – The Destroyer
  • Karma – Something that was created by, or is a result of a
    person’s action (What goes around comes back around)
  • Samsara – Hindus believe in Samsara, or the cycle of birth
    and rebirth. When a person does, it is believed that their soul
    reincarnates. His karma whether he will be reborn into a
    higher or lower form of being.
  • Nirvana-Every Hindu aims to break free from the cycle of
    reincarnation. After repeatedly dying and reincarnating, it is
    hoped that one will attain moksha, or freedom from Samsara
    or the cycle of birth and rebirth.
  • Vedas – This is the sacred scriptures of the Hindus.
  • Ahimsa – The standard in which all actions are judged. This is
    the ethical principal of not causing harm to other living
  • Guru Grant Sahih – Sacred book of Sikh
  • Mount Fuji Is one of the worshipped Kami
  • Shaman – Wise people who heal the sick
  • Five Constants : These are the virtues every one must possess.
  • Yin and Yang – Daoism symbol that shows the balance on
    nature and the world.
  • Iron Fist – Refers to leadership or rule that uses severity and
    cruelty. Rulers who advocate legalism are feared because of
    their use of an iron fist to command their constituents.
  • The Great Wall of China – was built through forced labor
    under the influence of the philosophy of legalism.
  • A common practice in animism is the offering of prayers,
    food, sacrificial animals and wine.