1. Althusser ISA = the correspondence principle = hidden curriculum in schools= make pupils accept hierarchy, competition
RSA= use physical force against rebellions : police eg
what is new rights view on education?
Chubb/Moe = thinks its affect all social group- failed for all working class students to do well in global market
middle class doing well in private schools - working class can’t afford it = introduced vouchersystem
Lead to marketisation control as schools funding as schools have to receive vouchers to keep working class students there
what is criticism of functionlist?
Durkheim: jobs skills being passed sown norms/ values cause capitalism/class ideology
parsons = universalistic values of society are actually captalist = benefits middle class
Davis & Moore = no equality of opportunity
Functionlist view
Believes that education provides specialist skills and passes down norms/values to the next generation, leading to social solidarity
Believes that there is a bridge in education between the particularistic home (where rules only apply to the household) and the universalistic society (where rules apply to everyone)
Believes in meritocracy, where anyone can pass if they work, regardless of ethnicity or class
Davis & Moore
Believe in role allocation based on merit, judging others based on their ability to fill the best roles, creating inequality but viewing it as beneficial for society for the best capable to do the best jobs
marxits: Bowles & Gintis?
disagree with parson = think meritocracy
Cuz w/c still struggle from cultural/material deprivation = unfair to them
Marxist: Wiils?
captalism is only made workers
12 w/c men = teachers use mixed method + triangulation
Results = lead to boys having anti-school subcultures eg , disobedience