capability to cover not only interest but fixed payments
Return on Investment on Asset (ROA)
Net Income / AVG Total Assets or Net Profit Margin x Total Asset Turnover
ROA with Interest Bearing
Net Income + [Interest + (1 - Tax Rate)] / AVG Total Assets
Return on Equity (ROE)
Net Income / AVG Stockholder Equity
ROA and ROE are measure the overall efficiency of the firmin managing its total investment in assets
Gross Profit Margin
Gross Profit / Net Sales
show relationship between sales and the cost of products
Operating Profit Margin
Operating Profit / Net Sales
overall operating efficiency
Net Profit Margin
Net Income / Net Sales
measure profitability
CashFlow Margin
Cash flow from Operating Act / Net Sales
ability to translate sales to cash to enable it to service debt.
Financial Leverage Index
Return on Equity / Return on Assets
Earning per share (EPS)
Basic EPS
Net Income / Weighted AVG number of ordinary shares outstanding
Diluted EPS
Net Income (as adjusted) / Weighted AVG number of ordinary shares outstanding and potential diluters
Price Earning Ratio (P/E)
Market Price of ordinary shares / EPS
Dividend Payout ratio
Dividends per share / Earning per share
Dividend Yield
Dividends per share / Market value per share
Managers and investors often perform a detailed analysis of Return on Assets ROAS and Return on Equity(ROB)using the Du Pont Analysis System.
facilitates an integrated analysis of the turn over ratios and the profit margin on sales and it shows how the various ratios interactto determinetherateo freturnonassets.
Transfer Pricing - division make sales to other division affected by transfer price
Depreciation Policy - ROA is very sensitive to depreciation policy.
Net depreciated value of assets - make ROA high
Long-Term Projects vs. Short Term Projects - reduced ROA the division involved
Industry conditions - not only consider ROA but growth rate in sales, profit margin compare to other firm
evaluation of income statement items is of real significance because the long-run succes
Increase in Sales
Quantity Factor - (change in quantity x selling price last year)
Price Factor - (change in price or quantity sold last year)
Quantity/Price Factor - (change in quantity x change in selling price)
Less: Increase in Cost of Sales
Quantity Factor - (change in quantity x unit cost last year)
Price Factor - (change in unit cost x quantity sold last year)
Quantity/Cost Factor - (change in quantity x change in unit cost)