Shoulder muscles

Cards (15)

  • Levator scapulae ventralis
    O: Transverse process of atlas and occipital bone
    I: Metacromion process and neighboring fascia
    A: Draws the scapula craniad
  • Latissimus dorsi
    O: Neural spines of the last thoracic and most of lumbar vertebrae and from the lumbodorsal fascia
    I: Tendon on the medial surface of the humerus
    A: Retraction of the humerus
  • Spinotrapezius
    O: Spines of thoracic vertebrae and passes obliquely forward, covering part of the latissimus
    I: Fascia of scapula
    A: Draws scapula dorsad and caudad
  • Acromiotrapezius
    O: Neural spines of cervical and first thoracic vertebrae
    I: Metacromion process and spine of scapula and fascia of spinotrapezius
    A: Draws scapula dorsad and holds two scapulae together
  • Rhomboideus
    O: Neural spines of vertebrae and adjacent ligaments
    I: Vertebral border of the scapula
    A: Draws the scapula dorsad and medial
  • Clavodeltoideus
    O: Raphe at the level of the clavicle with the clavotrapezius
    I: Ulna
    A: Protracts arm or flexes forearm
  • Acromiodeltoideus
    O: Acromion process
    I: Spinodeltoid and brachialis muscles and on the deltoid ridge of the humerus
    A: Retracts and abducts humerus
  • Spinodeltoideus
    O: Spine of scapula
    I: Deltoid ridge of humerus
    A: Retracts and abducts humerus
  • Supraspinatus
    O: Whole surface of the supraspinous fossa
    I: Greater tuberosity of the humerus, near the insertion of the pectoralis minor
    A: Protracts/extends the humerus
  • Infraspinatus
    O: Infraspinous fossa
    I: Greater tuberosity of the humerus
    A: Rotates the humerus outward
  • Subscapularis
    O: Subscapular fossa
    I: Lesser tuberosity of the humerus
    A: Pulls the humerus medially
  • Teres major
    O: Glenoid border of the scapula and fascia of neighboring muscles
    I: Medial surface of the humerus
    A: Rotates and retracts humerus
  • Teres minor
    O: Glenoid border of scapula
    I: Greater tuberosity of humerus
    A: Assists the infraspinatus
  • Serratus ventralis
    O: Slips from the first nine or ten ribs
    I: Scapula near the ventral border
    A: Draws scapula ventrad and supports trunk
  • Levator scapulae
    O: Transverse processes of the last five cervical vertebrae
    I: Scapula near the ventral border
    A: Draws the scapula craniad