My notes

Cards (13)

  • History of Africa marked by state formation and the expansion of trade and Islamic religion
    16th-19th centuries
  • Nubian Christian kingdoms of Alwa and Makuria
    Annexed by the Egyptian Mamluks in 1275
  • Expansion of various Arab clans and Islam into Nubia since the beginning of the 14th century

    Resulted in the supremacy of Arabs in Nubia
  • Funj
    Cattle keeping pastoral people who practiced indigenous religion
  • The origin of the Funj is still controversial
  • The Funj quickly converted to Islam in Nubia
  • The Funj established the Funj Sultanate with its center at Sennar
  • Abdallabi
    A competing Arab state that arose in Nubia alongside the Funj
  • Abdallabi fought against the Funj
    For grazing rights in southern Gezira as well as Nubia's political supremacy
  • Amara Dunqas
    A renowned chief of Funj who fought many battles against the Abdallabi state for supremacy in Nubia
  • The Funj emerged victorious and ruled Nubia with the help of Abdallabi Arabs
  • Funj period

    • Territorial expansion into Nilotic Sudan
    • Islamization
  • The Arab clans intermarried with local Nubians and became Africanized culturally