Cards (30)

  • What electricity builds up on the surface of an object when eletrons move from one surface to another?
    Static Electricity
  • Which of the following statements describes an object with positive charge?
    Electrons are lost from one object to another object
  • What occurs when charges are transferred through friction?
    Electrons are lost from one object to another object
  • What is lightning?
    Electrical Discharge
  • What occurs when glass is rubbed on cotton?
    The cotton gains electrons and becomes negatively charged
  • What does a lightning rod attached to a building need in order to be effectivr s a lightning safety device?
  • What object does lightning strike first?
    Tallest object
  • Which is NOT a part of the law of electric discharge?
    Neutral objects attract to other neutral objects
  • A neutral object loses electrons what is the new charge?
  • What are good conducters?
    Materials that allow electrons to move freely from one object to another
  • when a positively charged object is brought near a neutral electrocscope what happens to the scope?
    The positive charges in the scope move toward the knob,leaving the leaves negative, making the leaves more apart
  • The law of electric charges states that two objects with like charges will repel each other.
  • The movement of electrons within a substance caused by a nearby charged object?
    charging by induction
  • occurs when electrons transfer from the charged object to the neutral object that it touches?
    charging by contact
  • The process of connecting a charged object to the earths surface?
  • rubbing a wooden rod with fur?
    making a rod negetively charged
  • rubbing a glass rod with cotton?
    Making a rod positively charged
  • what does a.m.u stand for?
    atomic mass unit
  • what is electrostatic?
    study of electric charge
  • What is static electricity?
    Buildup of electric charge on an object.
  • List the 3 parts of the law of Electric charges?
    Repulsion, attraction and neutral
  • Example of a insulator?
  • Example of a conductor?
    copper wire
  • What is a electrostatic generator?
    A machine used to create charge through friction
  • electrons are charged?
  • protons are charged?
  • electro discharge?
    Transfer of electrons
  • example of electric discharge?
  • charging by induction?
    charging without touching with a ground
  • friction?
    rubbing 2 object together