Boitic factors are factors that infulence an organsims behavouir and its interaction with the environment and they inculde the living factors for example temperature, light, pH, oxygen, nutrients
Abiotic factors are non-living factors such as water, air, soil, climate etc.
An ecosystem is all the living things (organism) in a particular area interacting with each other and their physical surroundings
The range of differnt inhertianl triats with species is called gentic diversity
Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth at every level from genes to entire habitats
a community is a group of organisms that live in the same area and interact with each other of the same species
An adapation is a charactisc that an organism has inherited and that makes suited survive in its envoriment
Niche is the role played by a species within it's environment
Natural selection comes into play when organsims in an envoriment are subjected to selection pressuares
A habitat is where an organism lives, feeds and breeds
interspecfic competion is competion betwen different organsims for the same sourced of food
intraspecific competition is competition between individuals of the same species for limited resources
Predator- prey relations are communisam, mutalism, and parasitism
Parasitism is one partner benefits at the expense of another
Commensalism is one partner benefits but not harmed by the other
competion exculasion princple is when two organsims compete for a niche at the same time but the less favoured loses
The less favoured species leaves to find a new niche or they share the resources, this is called resource partiting
Physicalgoical adapatdtions refer to fundamnetal changes in an organsims internal procces or systems that enhance its ability to survive and reproduce in an particular envoriment.
behavioural adaptations are actions taken by organisms to increase their chances of survival and reproduction
structural adapations are the physical features of an organism that help it to survive in its environment for example e.g. a penguin has blubber to protect itself from freezing temperatures
evoulation is the change in aliving organsim over a long peroid of time
natural selection is the process by which individuals with advantageous traits have higher chance of surviving and passing on those genes to offspring
"survival of the fittest" refers to the least suited species to die out or reproduce less frequently. Better suited species reprdouce more frequently and unfaourfable genes are removed
Charles darwin and alferd wallace were the first to propose the theory of evolution by natural selection
theory of evolution states that all living things share common ancestry, they evolved through descent with modification
While darwin was travelling on the voyage he collected thousands of specicmans inculding geoolgical and fossil evidance, he also studied the behaviour of animals
darwin's finch experiment showed how birds with longer beaks could crack seeds easier than birds with shorter beaks
Darwins finches had different beak sizes and shapes depending on their diet
The theroy of evoulation by natural selction states that more are born survive and of those that ar born there is varation
Darwin put his theory of evoulation foward in 1859
Variations must be heritable so it can pass down to future generations
The process of evolution by natural selection is known as Darwinian Evolution
heritability - some variations are passed onto offspring, others aren't
Organisms best suited to the selection pressuares will tend to be more abudant because they have a better chance of survival
effects of selection presuuare
changes in pouplation sizes may effect other species living in the ecosystem too for example the poluation of preys will decarse if the predator becomes more abundant and icreases if the predator becomes more abudant
Selection pressuers makes some charactistic favouarble and others unfavourable, driving the evoulation of the species towards the favourable characteristic and may inculde how the organism looks, moves, and behaves
changes in boitic factors or abotic factors can be advantegous or unfavourable for an organsim therfore changes create selection pressuares
populaton size is the number of organisms of the same species in an ecosystem
population distrubation is where a species is spread throught an envoriment
Boitic selction pressuares on cane toads:
very few native predators in austriala has acted as a favourable selction pressuare for the cane toad allowing it to avoid consumpation, survive to reproduce, and icrease population size
Few Austrialn disesase can kill cane toads allowiong them to avoid contarcting disease and again survive to repordouce and increasing their poulation size