EDWARD BURNETT TAYLOR Started in the Ancient Greek historical and philosophical writings about human nature and the organization of society
Physical/Biological: fossils
Cultural- customary ways of thinking and behaving
Archeology- past cultures primarily through material remain
Franz Boas –considered as the father of modern American anthropology.
Anthropology is the study of people and their culture
Biological anthropology refers to the study of human origins (genetics, race, evolutions, fossils, primates).
Cultural anthropology is the y study of living people (religion, social system, language, clothing, foods, beliefs, traditions, etc).
Linguistics is the study of language, its evolution its , connection to other languages, and others.
Archeology refers to the study of dead culture (religion, social system, language, how they dress, foods, beliefs, traditions, etc).
AUGUSTE COMTE Coined the term “sociology: the study of human relationship and institution”
Personal level- includes social causes and consequences of such thing as romantic love, racial, gender identity
Social level- crime, law, poverty
Global level- population growth and migration
Sociology is the study of society, patterns of social interactions, and culture of everyday life.
ARISTOTLE A political scientist
“Man by nature is a political animal”
“The Politics”
Political Science is the systematic study of government, politics, and political power.
Political Science is the systematic study of governance by the application of empirical and generally scientific methods of analysis.
Munroe Smith defined political science as "the science of the state
Monarchy- ruled by one (kings, Queens)
Aristocracy- ruled by many (elite members of the society)
Polity- ruled by many (democracy)
Legislative Government
legislative branch of government is responsible for making laws within a country.
Judicial Branch
The judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court of the Philippines and lower courts established by law.
POLITICAL IDENTITY Refers to the set of attitudes and practices that an individual adheres to in relation to the political systems and actors within his or her society. (Political parties, suffrage)
Executive Branch
Article VII, Section 1, of the 1987 Constitution vests executive power on the President of the Philippines.
The belief in the supernatural. has evolved to promote far complex forms of understanding human nature, the afterlife, and natural events. (Monotheistic, Polytheistic)
The concept varies between societies as the ideas associated with being poor and rich differ based on the collective experiences of individuals.
ETHNOCENTRISM- is a perspective that promotes and individuals culture as the most efficient and superior; hence, the individual who exhibits ethnocentrism feels that his or her culture is the most appropriate compared to with other cultures.
Is defined as “that complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of a society.”