●The purpose of business is to contribute to socio-economic development.
●expression of neutrality
●impartial and unbiased actions and decisions
●To be accountable is to be responsible in explaining or justifying one’s actions and decisions.
●honesty and openness
●differs from confidentiality, which prohibits the sharing of personal and sensitive information without the consent of those involved
Technical Skills
-encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.
Human Skills
-is the ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups.
Conceptual Skills
-Refer to the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations.
Responsibility means to make sure that the company’s products and services meet the needs of the customers and clients, that they are safe and not harmful, and that real and potential risks are openly and transparently communicated
-In business, stewardship is the responsible planning, management, and use of resources with the aim of ensuring their sustainability.
●recognizing people, capital, and environment as resources that needs protection and development
●results in sustainability
●abundant and healthy resources to grow the business