Work Immersion

Cards (20)

  • Work Immersion Program
    • Provides employment and education opportunities for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities who are in their last year of high school.
  • Workplace Immersion Venue
    The place where work immersion of students is done. Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories, shops and projects sites.
  • Attitude
    • refers to our opinions, beliefs, and feelings about aspects of our environment.
  • Job Satisfaction refers to the feelings people have toward their job.
  • Organizational Commitment -  the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for.
    1. Personality – people who have a positive disposition (those who have a tendency to experience positive moods more than often than negative moods) tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and more committed to their companies)
  • Person-environment fit –the fit between what we bring to our work environment and the environmental demands influences our work attitudes.
  • Job Characteristics – using a variety of skills, having autonomy at work, receiving feedback on the job, and performing a significant task.
  • Psychological Contract – after accepting a job, people come to work with a set of expectations. They have an understanding of their responsibilities and rights.
  • Organizational justice – a strong influence over our satisfaction level is how fairly we are treated. People pay attention to the fairness of company policies and procedures, treatment from supervisors, and pay and other rewards they receive from the company.
  • Work relationships – the relationships with the co- workers and superiors. The people we interact with, their degree of compassion, our level of acceptance in our group,
  • Stress – the amount present in our job is related to our satisfaction and commitment.
  • Work-life balance – employees expect to lead balanced lives, pursue hobbies, and spend more time with their children while at the same time continuing to succeed at work.
  • The positive attitudes are: Personality, Person-environment fit, Job Characteristics, Psychological contract, Organizational justice, Work relationships, Stress, and Work-life balance
  • value
    • Qualities, characteristics, or ideas about which we feel strongly.
    • Our values affect our decisions, goals and behavior.
    • A belief or feeling that someone or something is worthwhile.
    • Values define what is of worth, what is beneficial, and what is harmful
    • Values are standards to guide your action, judgments, and attitudes.
  • Hypocrite – One who subscribes to one set of values, and does another.
  • Immaturity  - One who has not identified his values.
  • Types of Values: Moral , Material  , Aesthetic, Intrinsic , Extrinsic , Universal / Filipino , Group specific, and Cultural values  
  • Work Immersion Program
    • The program is dedicated to workforce development that benefits the individual, community, and workplace.
    • Several overlapping interpretations of “value” are in use, including these four:
    • (1) a value may be a guiding principle
    • (2) a value may be a quality, such as persistence
    • (3) a value may be a goal, such as happiness
    • (4) a value may be the artistic or monetary worth of something.