Eating animals

Cards (9)

  • Utilitarianism:
    • Happiness is pleasure and the absence of pain
    • Bentham: The question is not ‘Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?’
    • Happiness is good (pain is bad) regardless of the creature feeling it
    • Singer: speciesism is immoral discrimination against animals just because they are not human
    • Important differences exist, e.g. reason, emotional depth, self-awareness, moral agency
    • Reply: these differences are not relevant to causing suffering
  • Implications:
    • Should we stop eating meat?
    • Would stopping reduce animal suffering more than it would increase human suffering?
    • Suffering is wrong, but killing is not
    • Happy animals that are replaced
  • Kant:
    • 'Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.'
    • 'Everyone' = 'everyone with a rational will', which animals don't have, so any maxim concerning eating animals can be universalized
    • Human beings are ends in themselves, having a rational will and can adopt ends, which is unconditionally good
    • Animals are not rational, so they can be treated as means to our ends
  • Kant:
    • We have no duties to animals, but we do have duties regarding animals to people
    • We must not become unkind through how we treat animals
    • Objections: the harm to the animal, not ourselves, is what is wrong; do we have duties to other human beings who aren't rational?
  • Aristotle:
    • Animals are not rational and cannot share in eudaimonia
    • Our moral concern with eudaimonia has little place for considering animals
    • Recent virtue theory: there are virtuous and vicious ways of treating animals
  • Diamond:
    • Eating meat is often wrong, but speciesism misunderstands ethics and what is important about our relationships to people and animals
    • There is a moral difference between having sex with a person of a different race and having sex with a (consenting) gorilla
    • The capacities of animals and people don't explain why we treat them differently
  • Diamond:
    • The source of the moral life isn't the capacities of the animal homo sapiens, but recognizing this animal as a human being
    • Vegetarianism can't be defended by eradicating the differences between human beings and animals
  • Eating animals:
    • As fellow creatures, we may eat them, but we need to treat them well or hunt them fairly
    • Respect and pity (compassion)
    • To treat animals in the right way, with the right feelings, for the right reasons
  • Eating animals:
    • Different practices involved in eating meat
    • Many feelings and responses to animals conflict with the meat industry
    • We are 'fellow creatures' with other animals as living beings