Cards (15)

    • Step 1: Manage the Planning Process
    • Step 2: Conduct a Situational Assessment
    • Step 3: Identify Goals, Populations of Interest, Outcomes, and Outcome Objective
    • Step 4: Identify Strategies, Activities, Outputs, Process Objectives, and Resources
    • Step 5: Develop Indicators
    • Step 6: Review the Program Plan
  • Step 1: Manage the Planning Process
    Purpose: to develop a plan to manage stakeholder participation, timelines, and resources, and determine methods for data gathering, interpretation, and decision-making.
  • Step 2: Conduct a Situational Assessment
    Purpose: to learn more about the population of interest, trends, and issues that may affect implementation, including the wants, needs, and assets of the community.
  • Step 3: Identify Goals, Populations of Interest, Outcomes, and Outcome Objective
    Purpose: to use situational assessment results to determine goals, populations of interest, outcomes and outcome objectives.
  • Step 4: Identify Strategies, Activities, Outputs, Process Objectives, and Resources
    Purpose: to use the results of the situational assessment to select strategies and activities, feasible with available resources, that will contribute to your goals and outcome objectives.
  • Step 5: Develop Indicators
    Purpose: to develop a list of variables that can be tracked to assess the extent to which outcome and process objectives have been met.
  • Step 6: Review the Program Plan
    Purpose: to clarify the contribution of each component of the plan to its objectives, identify gaps, ensure adequate resources, and ensure consistency with the situational assessment findings.
    1. Biomedical
    2. Socio-Economic
    3. Behavioral
    4. Decision Making
  • goal: a broad statement providing overall direction for a program over a long period of time.
  • population(s) of interest: group or groups that require special attention to achieve your goal
  • outcome objective: brief statement specifying the desired change caused by the program
  • Biomedical Approach
    • You are concerned about the processes of the disease and factors that are physical and usually amenable in medical intervention.
  • Behavioral Approach
    • You are concerned about the behaviors of individuals and how those can lead to disease and disability.
  • Socio-Environmental Approach
    • You are concerned about the conditions in the psychosocial, socio-economic, and physical environments which create conditions for ill-health and wellness.
  • Decision-Making
    • Establish a clear decision-making process.