Cards (25)

  • Identify: organ in focus. Be specific. (Image A): pylorus
    Identify: organ in focus. Be specific. (Image B): jejunum
    Plicae circulares are characteristic features of A. T/F: false
    Rugae are characteristic features of B. T/F: false
  • Identify: structure being pointed by the red arrow: bile duct
    Identify: structures being pointed by the blue arrow: arteriole
    Based on the relationship of hepatic structure and function where A&B would constitute the center of a liver lobule, what liver lobule would that be?: portal lobule
    Based on the relationship of hepatic structure and function where A&B would constitute the center of a liver lobule, what liver function would that be?: bile flow
  • Identify: organ in focus: trachea
    Identify: part (name the specific type of tissue) being pointed (red arrow): hyaline cartilage
    Characterize the mucosal epithelium of A: pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
    Name: outermost layer of A: serosa
  • Identify: organ in focus: pancreas
    Identify: structures being pointed by the red arrows in the magnified view: pancreatic acinar cells
    What is the secretory product of B?: lipases or phospholipases or ribonucleases
    Give one exocrine function of A: secretes digestive enzymes
  • Identify: part occupied by the red arrow: nasal cavity
    Characterize the epithelial lining indicating by the black arrow: olfactory epithelium
    Identify: structure occupied by the blue moon: concha or turbinate bone
    Give the MOST distinct difference of B from epithelial lining of the trachea: without goblet cells
  • Identify: organ in focus (be specific as go part/region/segment - see magnified image in HPO): cardiac region of stomach
    Give the most evident justification for your answer in A: pits are shallow
    Name: the large, abundant eosinophilic cells in the glands: parietal cells
    Name: the basophilic cells lining the glands: chief or zymogen cells
  • Serves as liver’s lymphatic capillaries: Space of Disse
    Cells that secrete bicarbonate-rich fluid: centroacinar cells
    Contractile cells between basal lamina and epithelial cells of adenomeres and ducts: myoepithelial cells
    Cells that are larger, acidophilic with foamy or spongy cytoplasm: mucous cells
  • Identify: organ in focus (check magnified image and pointed structure) be specific: ileum
    Give characteristic histological feature of A (hint: one pointed): lots of Peyer’s patches
    Identify: layer where B are found: submucosa
    Identify: outermost layer of the tissue section in focus: serosa
  • Identify: region pointed (red arrow): recto-anal junction
    Characterize mucosal epithelium to the right of the pointer: stratified squamous
    Characterize mucosal epithelium to the left of the pointer: simple columnar epithelium
    Name the dense network of blood vessels characteristic of the mucosa of this region: internal hemorrhoidal plexus
  • Identify the specific organ-tissue in specimen A: fundus
    Identify the structures indicated by the blue-colored bars in specimen A: tubular glands
    Identify the specific organ-tissue in specimen B: pylorus
    The structures indicates by red arrows in specimen B: gastric pits
  • Identify: organ in focus (be specific as to what region of the organ): upper esophagus
    Identify: layer being pointed (occupied by the pointer): submucosa
    Identify: type of muscle seen in focus: skeletal muscle
    Identify the outermost layer of this specific region organ in focus: adventitia
  • Identify: organ in focus: tongue
    Identify: structure being pointed(red arrow - encircled, see magnified figure) be specific: filiform papillae
    Characterize mucosal epithelium of A: stratified squamous
    Name the glands present in A: von Ebner’s glands
  • Identify: organ in focus: gallbladder
    Identify: indented spaces being pointed: diverticulum
    Characterize mucosal epithelium of A: simple, tall, columnar epithelium
    Function of A: store bile
  • Identify: organ in focus (be specific - see magnified image in LPO): fundus
    Give most evident justification for your answer in A:pits are relatively deeper than cardiac region
    Name: the predominant type of gland cells in the glands of A: chief or zymogenic cells
    Name: the most distinguishing feature of the muscularis externa of this organ-tissue in focus: oblique muscle layer
  • Identify: indicated by the black arrow heads. Image A: olfactory nerves
    Identify: part occupied by red arrow. Be very specific. Image B: elastic cartilage
    Identify: indicated by the black arrow heads. Image B: seromucous glands
    Identify: indicated by the purple arrow heads. Image B: stratified squamous
  • Identify: organ in focus: liver
    Name the cells that make up this organ (one being pointed): hepatocyte
    Identify: the fixed macrophages present in the endothelial walls around B: Kupfer cells
    Give the main exocrine function of A: secretes bile
  • Identify: organ in focus (be specific as to what part/region/segment of the organ): duodenum
    Identify: layer occupied by the arrow: submucosa
    Give the BEST distinguishing histologic feature of A: presence of Brunner’s glands
    Characterize the type of mucosal epithelium in/of A: simple columnar
  • Identify: organ-tissue in focus (be specific - see magnified picture in LPO): large intestine
    Identify: part/layer being pointed in red arrow (be specific): circular smooth muscle
    Identify: immediately inner to B: submucosa
    Identify: immediately inner to C: longitudinal smooth muscle
  • Identify: organ in focus. Be specific as to what part/region/segment of the organ: jejunum
    Identify: structure traversed by the arrow: villi
    Name: the glands (as seen) in this issue: crypts of Lieberkhun
    What are paneth cells for?: secretes HCL
  • Identify: organ in focus: appendix
    Identify: structure being pointed (red arrow): lymphatic nodules
    Characteristic feature of the columnar lining epithelium (see HPO image): with goblet cells
    Crypts of Lieberkhun a fewer in A than in colon. T/F: true
  • Identify: organ being pointed: respiratory bronchiole
    Characterize epithelial lining of A: low columnar to cuboidal epithelium
    A directly empties into/directed into: alveolar duts
    Compare and contrast trachea from intrapulmonary bronchus: trachea with C-shaped cartilage
  • Identify: organ-tissue in focus (Image A): parotid gland
    Identify: organ-tissue in focus (Image B): sublingual gland
    Identify: structure being pointed (Image A): serous acini
    Identify: structure being pointed (Image B): intralobular duct
  • Identify: the whole specimen in A: gastro-esophageal junction
    Identify: the whole specimen in B: epiglottis
    Identify: the whole specimen in C: recto-anal junction
    Identify: the whole specimen in D: lower esophagus
    What is the BEST distinct similarities among these specimens: stratified squamous epithelium
  • The specimens are labeled image X and Image Y.
    Use the two items to answer. Write the item number only.
    1.image X only 2. Image Y only 3. both images X&Y 4. Neither X nor Y
    has cartilage plates: 4
    it is a respiratory portion: 4
    It is a conducting portion: 3
    predominantly low cuboidal cell with rare goblet cells: 2
    identify: organ within red circle in image X: large bronchiole
  • Identify: structure traversed by the arrow: alveoli
    Identify: specific type of cells/tissue lining A: simple squamous
    Name 2 types of specialized cells necessary for function of A: type I, type II or clara cells, dust cells