Archimedes principle: the upward buoyant force (upthrust)that is exerted on a body/object immersed in a fluid (either fully or partially) is equal to the weight of water the body or object displaces
upthrust: an upward buoyant force that is equal to the weight of water an immersed object displaces
displacement: occupation by a submerged object of a volume that would otherwise be occupied by a fluid
buoyancy: an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object or body
density = mass / volume
Boyle's law: as pressure increases, the volume a given amount of gas occupies decreases. Pressure and gas volume are inversley proportional
pressure = (depth / 10) + 1
P1 V1 = P2 V2
ad depth increases so does pressure
pressure at sea level is 1 atmosphere
air = 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen
partial pressure: the pressure exerted by an individual gas species in a gas mix
at 10m, gases in the lungs are absorbed into blood under pressure, a process known as in-gassing
when we reach the surface gases dissolve out of the blood and are breathed out by a process known as out-gassing
pure oxygen can be toxic at 2 atmospheres (10 meters)
oxygen in compressed air can be toxic at 10 atmospheres (90 meters)
Carbon dioxide can be toxic at any pressure and cause fatigue
Nitrogen narcosis occurs to divers below 30m as the increased partial pressure of nitrogen, more nitrogen becomes dissolved in the blood and impairs the conduction of nerve impulses, producing an altered mental state
symptoms of nitrogen narcosis: euphoria, loss of manual dexterity and disorientation