Toxi lec m2pt2

Cards (83)


    The study of the kinetics of poison throughout the body “What the body does to the poison?”

    Modeling and mathematical description of the time course of disposition of toxicants in the whole organism.
    Important principle
    The effect which a chemical produces is not only dependent on the dose administered but more on the concentration of the chemical in the target organ. The concentration in turn depends on the disposition of the chemical.
    The kinetics of a chemical/drug may differ from therapeutic dose to its toxic dose.
    The study of toxicokinetics is important in predicting plasma concentration of a chemical
    It is the study of the drug movement around the body.
    It determines the no. molecules that can reach the receptors or site of action.
  • dose
    All chemicals and biological systems follow a dose-relationship
  • dose
    It determines whether a chemical is beneficial or poisonous
  • toxic response
    Proportional to the concentration of the chemical at the target site
  • Dose-response
    Relationship between exposure and health effects can be established by measuring the response relative to an increase in dose
  • Dose-response
    Important in determining the toxicity of a particular substance
  • Toxic effects
    -Health effect that occur due to exposure to a toxic substance
  • Local (Chemically active/irritant toxicants)

    Possess pronounced physiochemical properties
  • Local (Chemically active/irritant toxicants)

    Affect skin, lungs, nasal cavity, eyes
    • Ex: Phosgene, Mustard gas, Chlorine
  • Systemic
    Target organ toxicity
  • Systemic
    Result of accumulation
  • Systemic
    Affects highly perfused organ
    • Ex: Heavy metal poisoning that accumulates in liver and kidneys
  • What is the beneficial dose of ASA?
    300 - 1000 mg
  • What is the toxic dose of ASA?
    1000 mg to 3000 mg
  • What is the beneficial units/day of Vitamin A
    5000 units/day
  • What is the toxic units/day of Vitamin A?
    50000 units/day
  • What is the beneficial % of oxygen?
    20 %
  • What is the toxic % of oxygen?
    50 - 80 %
  • Vitamin A has therapeutic and toxic effects
    > TOO LOW: Blindness, dry skin, and increased infection
    >TOO HIGH: Anorexia anemia nose bleed, muscle and joint pain
  • Threshold
    Dose/exposure level below which the harmful and adverse effect of a substance are not seen in a population
  • Threshold
    Also referred to as the “No observed adverse effect level or No effect level”
  • LD50
    Smallest dose that kills 50% of the population, all routes except inhalation and aquatic exposure
  • LC50
    Smallest dose that kills 50% of the population, use for inhalation and aquatic exposure
  • TLV
    max amount of drug considered to be safe
  • ED50
    dose that exhibits desired effect in 50% of population
  • TLV
    Threshold Limit Value
  • Therapeutic Index

    measure of safety, ratio of LD50 to ED50
  • Absorption
    is the process by which a chemical enters the body
  • Distribution
    is the stage when a substance moves from the site of entry to other organs/areas of the body
  • Metabolism
    is when the body transforms the chemical into metabolites
  • Excretion
    is the process wherein the parent chemical and its metabolites leave the body
  • Highly perfused Organ and Poorly perfused
    • Most toxins are H2O soluble
    • Rate limiting step for Distribution is Blood Flow.
    • High excretion means LOW risk of toxicity
  • Duration and concentration at the portal of entry

    The higher the concentration, the greater will the damage be
  • Rate and amount of chemical absorbed

    rate of absorption is slow and the amount absorbed is small, the toxicity will be low
  • Distribution of the toxicant within the body
    • most of the toxicants are distributed in highly perfused organs which have vital functions such as the brain and the kidneys.
    • the organ in which a chemical is most highly concentrated is not necessarily the organ where most tissue damage occurs.
  • Efficiency of biotransformation and nature of metabolites
    a chemical maybe converted to a toxic metabolite which is more toxic than the parent compound
  • The ability of the chemical or its metabolites to pass through cell membranes and come into contact with specific cell components
    A chemical can pass through the placenta or the blood brain barrier