The basic buildingblock in the structure and function of living things
Cell membrane
The membrane bounding the cell which controls what enters and leaves the cell
The jelly like contents of the cell where chemicalreactions take place
The controlCentre of the cell which containsgeneticmaterial-Chromosomes and DNA.
Nuclear Membrane
The membrane surrounding the nucleus
Geneticstructures found in the nucleus
Structures in the cytoplasm where cellularrespiration takes place
Cell wall
A layer outside the cell membrane of a pilant, bacterial and fungal cell which provides support
A structure in the cytoplasm of plant cells which contains chlorophyll
A liquidfilledspace in the cytoplasm of a cell which is large and permanent in plantcells
A group of microorganisms which have a cellwallwithoutcellulose and nonucleus
A smallcircularring of DNA in a bacterium
An outerlayer of cells
A cell that has adaptations for a particular function
Organisms made up using only one cell are unicellular
Most organisms are made up of many cells they are multicellular
Animal cell
1.Chromosomes (DNA)
2. Nuclear membrane
3. Nucleus
4. Cytoplasm
5. Cell membrane
6. Mitochondria
Plant cell
1.Vacuole 2. Nuclearmembrane
3. Nucleus
4. Chromosomes
5. Cellwall
6. Cellmembrane
7. Cytoplasm
8. Chloroplasts
9. Mitochondria
Bacteria cell
1.Flagella (tail)
2. Plasmid (circle of DNA)
3. Ribosomes (makes protein)
4. Free floating DNA
5. Slime capsule
6. Cell wall (non cellulose)(protein)
7. Cell membrane
8. Cytoplasm
1.Eyepiecelens 2. Objectivelens
3. Stage
4. Light
5. Coarsefocuswheel
6. Finefocuswheel
Making a slide of onion cells
1.Clean slide with papertowel (no dust or fingerprints) 2. Add a drop of water to the slide (allows you to flattenonion)
3. Peel off onion epidermis (with forceps)
4. Place onion epidermis on waterdrop and flatten (stops onion sticking to the slide)
5. Add a drop iodine (stain)
6. Add a coverslip
If you were preparing a temporary slide of an animal cell what chemical would you use?
Methylene blue
Palisade mesophyll (plant)
Function: Absorbssunlight for photosynthesis
Adaptation: Contains many chloroplaststightlypacked on upperside of leaf
1: Vacuole
2. Nucleus
3. Cell wall
4. Cell membrane
5. Cytoplasm
6. Chloroplasts
Sperm cell (animal)
Function: To swim to the egg and fertilise it
Adaptation: Tail-swim, has half the chromosomes (23) required to make a newlife, streamlined, head can burrow into egg, many mitochondria for energy
1: Nucleus
2. Acrosome
3. Head
4. Tail
Roothaircell (plant)
Function: Absorbswater and minerals from soil, the anchore keeps plant in soil
Adaptation: Longextension, largesurfacearea, no chloroplasts as is found underground and does not photosynthesise
1: Vacuole
2. Extension (root hair)
3. Cellulosecellwall
Ciliatedepithelialcell (animal)
Function: Trapsdirt and dust in throat - also more mucus, prevents dust getting into lungs
Adaptation: Cilia - waft mucus in throat, large surface area, can trigger a cough if mucus or dustbuildsup
1: Nucleus
2. Cilia
Red blood cell(animal)
Function: carry oxygen to all respiring cells
Adaptation: Biconcave shape - largesurfacearea, contains haemoglobin and iron (Fe²+), no nuclues- more space to carry O2
Nerve cell (neuron)(animal)
Function: Carryelectricalimpulses round the nervoussystem (brain & spinal cord)
Adaptation: insulated, long, carries electricity, can be recorded-ECG on heart
1: Cellmembrane
2. Insulation (Myelin Sheath)
3. Axon
4. Cytoplasm
5. Nucleus
1: Atoms
2. Molecules
3. Cells
4. Tissues (eg epithelium)
5. Organ (eg stomach)
6. Organ system (eg digestive system)
7. Organism
Tissues - A group of similarcells is called tissue. A group of musclecells will form muscletissue. A group of nerve cells will form nervoustissue
Organs - An organ is made up of differenttissues. These worktogether to do a particularjob. Your heart is an organ. Organs work together in organsystems
Digestive system
Main organs - stomach, intestines
Function of organ system - to break large insouluable food molecules into smallsouluablemolecules to be absorbed into your blood
Respiratory system
Main organs - Lungs, trachea Function of organ system - To allow O2 to pass into the body and Co2 to pass out of the body
Skeletal and muscular system
Main organs - muscle, bones Function of organ system - to allow movement and support
Circulatory system
Main organs - heart, arteries, veins Function of organ system - to transportblood around the body and help supportinfections
Excretory system
Main organs - kidney, bladder, liver Function of organ system - to maintain water balance and to removepoisonouswaste from the body
Reproductive system
Main organs - Testes, ovaries, penis, uterus Function of organ system - to fertilise an egg cell and create an offspring
Nervous system
Main organs - brain, spinal cord, neurons Function of organ system - to allow body to react and respond to stimuli