
Cards (45)

  • what is the course of esophagus
    from inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C6) to cardiac orifice of stomach (T11)
  • what is the narrowest part of esophagus
    pharyngoesphageal junction (C6)
  • what is 2nd narrowest part of digestive tract
    pharynoesophageal junction (c6)
  • what is narrowest part of digestive tract
    vermiform appendix
  • what does the name of structure of esophagous have very distal and intraperitoneal portion's outer covering?
  • which muscle prevents entrance of air into esophagus
    upper esophageal sphincter
  • zenker divertikülü nerede görülür
    pharynesophageal junctionın yukarısında, pharyn arka duvarında
  • which organs are intraperitoneal
    transverse colon
    sigmoid colon
    vermiform appendix
    bile duct
    first 1,5 cm of duodenum
  • which structures are seconder retroperitoneal
    ascending colon
    descending colon
    rest of duodenum
  • which structures are extraperitoneal
    adrenal glands
    urinary duct
    abdominal aorta
    symphatteic trunk
  • which nerves parietal peritoneum
    phrenic nerve
    last 6 intercostal nerves
    1st lumbal spinal nerve
    obturator nerve
  • which ligaments form omentalis bursa (lesser sac)
    hepatogastric ligament
    hepatoduodenal ligament
  • which structures are found in hepatoduodenal ligament
    hepatic portal vein
    common bile duct
    hepatic portal artery
    lymph arteries
    hepatic plexus
  • what is the artery of cervical part of esophagus
    inferior thyroid
  • what is the vein of cercival part of esophagus
    inferior thyroid vein
  • what is the nerve of cervical part of esophagus
    S: inferior thyroid plexus
    PS: X
  • what is the artery of abdominal part
    left gastric (branch of celiac trunk)
    left inferior phrenic (branch of abdominal aorta)
  • what is the vein of thoracic part of esophagus
    azygos vein
  • what is the artery of thoracic part of esophagus
    thoracic aorta
  • what is the vein of abdominal part of esophagus
    2 system 1. portal circulation via left gastric vein
    2. systemic circulation via azygos vein
    these 2 = porto-systemic anastomosis
  • what is the nerve of abdominal part of esophagus
    esophageal plexus by vagal trunkd
  • how is the lymphatic drainage of esophagus
    superior third -> deep cervical
    middle -> superior and posterior mediastinal
    lower -> left gastric and celiac node
  • where is douglas pouch
    btw. rectum and uterine
  • which fold is remnant of urachus
    median umbilical fold
  • which fold is remnant of obliterated distal part of umbilical artery
    medial umbilical fold
  • which structures form lateral umbilical fold
    inferior epigastric arteries and veins
  • which organs do NOT have mesentry
  • where does greater omentum attaches
    anteriorly greater curvature of stomach
    posteriorly taena omentalis of TC
  • where is gastrocolic ligament
    btw. stomach and TC
  • which structures found behind of bursa omentalis (lesser omentum)
    left suprarenal gland
    left kidney
    abdominal aorta
  • except first 2,5 cm at duodenum how duodenum is covered
    secondarily retroperitoneal
  • which structures found anterior to horizontal part of duedenum
    superior mesenteriz a.v.
    root of mesentry
  • which structures found at posterior to horizontal/inderior/3rd part of duodenum
    right ureter
    right psoas major
    right gonadal a.v.
  • which muscle found at duodenojejunal junction and function of it?
    susupensory muscle of dudodenum
    widens angle of duodenojejunal flexure so mov. of intestinal contents into jejenum
  • which structures found anterior to ascending/4th part of duodenum
  • which ligament connect duodenojejenal flexure to righht crus of diaphragm
    suspensory ligament of duodenum/treizt ligament
  • what is the coyrse of jejenum and ileum
    from duodenajejenal flexure to ilececal junction
  • root of mesentery of jejenum and ileumun önden çaprazladığı yapılar
    ascending colon
    abdominal aorta
    right ureter
    right psoas major
    right gonadal vessels
  • what is characteristic to small intestine
    intestinal villi
  • what is meckels/ielal diverticulum
    most common congenital anormaly of GIT
    persistence of yolk sac/vitellointestinal duct