Manufacturing and workshop practice

Subdecks (2)

Cards (69)

  • Causes of accidents in the workplace:
    • Carelessness
    • Failure to think (sensing common)
    • Fatigue from working long shifts
    • Abuse of drugs/substances
    • Carelessness, horseplay, and silly frictions
    • Improper dress code
    • Medication (results in loss of concentration)
  • Accidents in the workplace can result in serious injuries
  • Improper dress code includes wearing jewelry and inappropriate clothing that can lead to injuries
  • Accidents may also occur due to workplace environmental problems like high temperatures, unsafe doors/floors, poor ventilation, and poor lighting
  • Precautions and rules in the workplace include:
    • Housekeeping
    • Hygiene: always wash hands with suitable hand cleaners and water
    • Never throw rubbish on the floor, keep the workplace clean
    • Proper supervision and training for employees
  • Caps, steel toe caps, and foot protection like safety boots are used in hazardous conditions to protect against molten metal, heated metal, water, and toxic liquids
  • Steel toe caps are designed to keep out molten metal and heated metal
  • Boots with top caps provide resistance against water and toxic liquids to protect the feet
  • Anti-static foot protection is used to prevent the build-up of static electricity
  • Hand protection in the form of gloves provides protection against cuts, abrasions, extremes of temperatures, skin irritations, dermatitis, and corrosive substances
  • Protective clothing like overalls, coveralls, and aprons can be used to protect against chemicals and hazardous substances
  • Protective equipment examples include safety goggles, welding filters, face screens, face shields, spectacles, and eye protectors
  • Industrial safety helmets protect against falling objects or impact with fixed objects, while scalp protectors protect against impact with hard obstacles, scalping, or entanglement
  • Safety measures when dealing with electricity:
    • Always switch off or isolate electrical equipment before working on it
    • Ensure you understand instructions before using electrical equipment
    • Take care when disconnecting electrical equipment to avoid injuries
  • Fire safety measures:
    • Know the location of fire extinguishers
    • Know the location of flammable substances to protect against hazards like impacts and splashes
  • Workplace safety rules:
    • Always walk in the workplace
    • Use appropriate equipment and clothing
    • Never leave machinery unattended while in motion
    • Never clean machinery with your hands or body parts
    • Recognize warning signs for harmful substances and do not take home clothing soaked or stained with harmful substances
  • Electrical precautions include:
    • Double earthing
    • Use of safe voltages
  • General electricity safety rules:
    • Ensure that insulation is intact
    • External metal parts must be earthed
    • Never run a wired plug from a lamp
    • Old and damaged cables should be disconnected and properly repaired before use
    • Equipment should always be disconnected from mains before repairs or maintenance
  • Class A fires are caused by ordinary, burning objects and can be put out using ABC powder, wet chemical fire extinguishers
  • Class C fires involve flammable gases such as butane and can be put out using ABC powder, CO2 extinguishers
  • Class D fires are caused by burning flammable metals like lithium and can be put out using special ABC powder for metal fires