Drug testing with the goal of determining whether drugs were the cause or contributing factor in a death
Work Place Drug Testing
Testing job applicants and employees for illegal drugs in their system
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (The stages in which a drug moves through the body)
ADME stands for
A large class of drugs distinguished by their ability to caused euphoria and relieve pain. Includes: Oxycodone, Fentanyl, morphine, heroin
Opiates are classified as...
A large class of drugs that creates an excitatory condition, wakefulness and euphoria. Includes: methamphetamines,
Amphetamines are classified as...
Appetite Supressent
Substance derived from the erythroxylin cocoa plant that creates and excitatory condition, state of wakefulness and euphoria
Marijuana and other parts of the plant Cannabis with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as the active ingredient
Cocaine is classified as...
Cannabinoids are classified as..
A mixture of drugs
Gas Chromatography
Gas flowing through a coated tube separates compounds by their size, weight and chemical reactivity with the coating of the tube or column
Toxic chemical inhibits the electron transport chain in the mitochondria of cells. Most toxic in its gaseous state. Levels above 2500 ng/ml are fatal.
Carbon Monoxide
Toxic gas that is formed in combustion. This gas binds to hemoglobin more tightly than blood and prevents the blood from carrying oxygen. Levels above 60% in the blood are fatal.
Oxidized form of hemoglobin. The antidote to cyanide poisoning.
Tests using antibodies that react with a drug or substance that recognizes the antibody
Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC)
The use of a solvent that travels through a porous medium to separate compounds based on their chemical affinity with the solvent and the medium
Acronym of Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry
Technique based on the detection of vaporized molecules and their ionized fragments. The detection and display of the spectra are based on the mass-to-charge ratios of the ions.
Analytical instrument that combines a liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometery. Detects more compounds than than GC-MS
Tandem Mass Spectrometers (LC-MS^n)
A detection system with more than one mass spectrometer in a series. (n refers to the number of MS units)
Colorimetric testing
A device used to characterize color using a spectrometer. Used to test for the presence of metals.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
A form of mass spectrometry used to detect inorganic materials and metals
A persons genetic factors that effect the efficacy of a drug or poison in their system
How drugs and poisons move through the body
Dose of poison that kill 50% of the population
Postmortem Redistribution
Concentration changes in a drug that occur after death as the drug is redistributed throughout the body.
Controlled Substances Act (CSA)
Legislation in the US that defines illegal drugs and classifies them by Schedules
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
The US government agency responsible for regulation of controlled drugs
Schedule I Drugs
Drugs with a high potential for abuse and addiction and no accepted medical application (Heroin, LSD, marijuana)
Schedule II Drugs
Drugs with a high potential for abuse and addiction but some accepted medical uses. ( Morphine, cocaine methamphetamine)
Schedule III Drugs
Drugs with a lower potential for abuse and addiction and accepted medical use. ( anabolic steroids, codeine and barbiturates)
Schedule IV drugs
Drugs with a fairly low risk for abuse and addiction with many accepted medical uses. ( Valium)
Schedule V Drugs
Drugs with almost no risk for abuse/ addiction and many medical uses. ( Codeine cough medicines)
Cutting Agents
Something added to a illicit drug to reduce its concetration
Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs