Sumerian Civilization: Cuneiform, Ziggurats, Potter’s wheel, seed plow, sail boat, City of Uruk, Code of Ur-Nammu
Babylonian Civilization: Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Ishtar Gate, Code of Hammurabi, Babylonian Map of the World, astrology
Egyptian Civilization: Hieroglyphics, papyrus paper, embalming, pyramids, calendar systems, waterclock
Greek Civilization: Alarm clock, watermills, Greek philosophers' contributions, Archimedes' inventions, Ptolemy's Almagest
Roman Civilization: Gazettes, Roman numerals, Pantheon, Colosseum, Circus Maximus, Vitruvius' odometer
Arabic/Islamic Civilization: Arabic system of numbers, alchemy, glass lens, black powder, first gun
Chinese Civilization: Silk production, Great Wall of China, pharmacology, acupuncture