power: in mechanics, is defined as the rate of doing work.
power: how fast work is being done.
Power: In circuit analysis: rate of conversion of energy from one energy to another
Power: in dry cells the rate of conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy. All these laws obeys the law of conversion of energy
operationally, power (P) is the product of current (I) and voltage (V). In symbols, P=IV.
Voltage: also called electromotive force (emf) or potential energy (pd)
Voltage: electrical pressure that causes current to flow.
The voltage level is similar to the pressure of water at different heights
Potential difference is potential energy divided by charge.
The unit of voltage (V) is joule per coulomb, called volt (V)
Potential energy is the work needed to move a charged body against the electric force. If two bodies have the same charge work is needed to bring them closer, and if two bodies are opposite, work is needed to move them apart
The relationship between charge, energy, and voltage is: Voltage= energy/ charge or V= W/q
the unit of V= W/q is volt= joule per coulomb or V=J/C
Voltage can be created by techniques involving the production of excess electrons at one terminal and deficiency of electron at the other terminal.
Voltage can be produced by a current through a resistor. Devices such as generators, power banks, thermocouples, crystals, solar and electric cells.
Flemings right hand rule is used to determine the direction of the magnetic force acting on a moving charge in a magnetic field
The magnetic force acting on an electron is in the opposite direction to the magnetic force indicated by the right-hand rule
A moving charge will experience the maximum possible magnetic force when the velocity of the charge and the magnetic field in which moves perpendicular to each other