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  • In traditional English, the word media is used as the plural form of the word medium
  • In modern English, media is used both as a singular and plural noun, allowing it to take a singular and plural verb
  • Media is the communication channel through which information is disseminated or taken from
  • Literacy, originally meaning 'the ability to read and write', has evolved in the 21st century to encompass 'the ability to use language, numbers, images, computers, and other basic means to understand, communicate, gain useful knowledge, solve mathematical problems, and use the dominant system of a culture'
  • Media Literacy is a movement designed to help understand, produce, and negotiate meanings in a culture of images, words, and sounds (Aufderfheide, 2017)
  • Media Literacy is the ability to access the media, understand and critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media contents, and create communications in various contexts (European Commission, 2017)
  • Key elements of Media Literacy according to UNESCO:
    • Understanding the role and functions of media in democratic societies
    • Understanding the conditions where media can fulfill their functions
    • Critically evaluating media content in the light of media functions
    • Engaging with media for self-expression and democratic participation
    • Reviewing skills (including ICT) needed to produce user-generated content
  • Information Literacy emphasizes the need for careful retrieval and selection of information available in the workplace, at school, and in all aspects of personal decision-making, especially in the area of citizenship and health (Hobbs, 2006)
  • Key elements of Information Literacy according to UNESCO MIL Curriculum:
    • Define and articulate information needs
    • Locate and access information
    • Assess information
    • Organize information
    • Make ethical use of information
    • Communicate information
    • Use ICT skills for processing information
  • Therefore, information literacy means the use of critical thinking, meta-cognitive and procedural knowledge in locating information on specific domains, fields, and contexts. It places prime emphasis on recognizing message quality, authenticity, and credibility
  • Technology literacy is defined as the ability to responsibly use appropriate technology to communicate, solve problems, access, manage, integrate, evaluate, design, and create information to improve learning in all subject areas, and acquire lifelong knowledge and skills in the 21st century (Department of Education – Colorado, 2017)
  • A technology literate person exhibits the following standards:
    1. Creativity and innovation: demonstrating creative thinking, constructive knowledge, and developing innovative products and processes using technology
    2. Communication and collaboration: using digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others
    3. Research and information fluency: applying digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information
    4. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making: using critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources
    5. Digital citizenship: understanding human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology, and practicing legal and ethical behavior
  • 6. Technology operations and concepts: demonstrating a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations
  • THE EVOLUTION OF MEDIA The four important general periods:
    1. Prehistoric to Pre-industrial Age
    2. Industrial Age
    3. Electronic Age
    4. Information Age
  • Prehistoric to pre-industrial age
    This period, from 200,000 BC until before the year 1700, was when people discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper, and iron This period typifies the more permanent forms. During these times, only those at the top had practical access to a number of powerful forms of media. P
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    A) cave paintings (35, 000 BC)
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    A) papyrus (in egypt, 2500 BC)
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    A) acta diurna (rome, 130 BC)
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    A) dibao (china, 2nd century)
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    A) codex (mayan region, 5th century)
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    A) wooden blocks for printing (220 AD)
  • Industrial age
    This period beginning from the 1700s to the 1930s, encompasses the changes in economic and social organizations that began around 1760 in Great Britain and later in other countries. This age is defined by mass production, broadcasting, the rise of the nation-state, power, medicine, and running water.
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    A) printing press for mass production of books (1900)
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    A) The London Gazette (The first newspaper)(1740)
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    A) the first typewriter (1800)
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    A) telephone (1876)
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    A) motion picture photography (1890)
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    A) commercial motion picture (1913)
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    A) motion picture with sound (1926)
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    A) telegraph
  • Electronic Age
    This period from the 1930s to the 1980s is termed as the electronic age. The invention of transistors ushered in this age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient than the past
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    A) television (1941
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    A) mainframe computer (IBM 704) (1960)
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    A) projectors (ohp and lcd)
  • Information age
    From 1900s to the present, this era of instant communication, the internet having paved way for faster communication and the creation of social network. Microelectronics became more advanced with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices and wearable technologies. Voice, image, sound, and data have also been digitized.
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    A) armada laptop (1990s)
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    A) lifebook tablet (2003)
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    A) friendster (2002)
  • This age saw the emergence of global village which is a term used to describe the interconnectivity of humans made possible by new technologies.

    With this, it is said that humans can no longer live in isolation. Technological development, however, has kept on accelerating, especially during the last 25 years.

    The experts and the leaders of the world, are talking about superhighways of information, the global intelligent information infrastructure that creates a new world, not just a global village, but a global intelligent community.