Designs Kahoot Midterm

Cards (10)

  • What is counterbalancing?
    Altering the order of presentation to help minimise order effects.
  • What are the 3 steps of data analysis?
    Data organisation, data reduction, data analysis.
  • What can researchers do to maximise experimental variance?
    Increase the range of variance of the independent variable.
  • Internal validity is the extent to which you can generalise the findings of a study to other situations?
  • 2 components of One way between groups: Random group design & blocking design
  • One-way within subjects design - all participants take part in every condition
  • 2 key components of experimental process: manipulation and control.
  • How to we determine a cause-and-effect relationship in experimental method?
    Must be at least 2 groups to compare→ experimental group and control group.
  • 7 characteristics of Experimental method:
    • manipulation
    • at least 2 experimental conditions
    • control
    • random assignment
    • Temporal sequencing: IV must come before DV
    • Non-spurious relationship: relationship between X and Y cannot occur through chance alone.
    • Eliminate alternate causes: no other intervening or unaccounted for variable that is responsible for the relationship between X and Y.
  • Experimental Method steps:

    Step 1: Define your variables: you should begin with a specific research question
    Step 2: Write hypothesis
    Step 3: design experimental treatments.
    Step 4: assign subjects to treatment groups
    Step 5: measure dependent variable