Accounting - the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing transactions and events, whichare, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof.
Accounting is a serviceactivity
Accounting is an information system
Users of accounting information
Internal users
External users
Internal users - owners, managers, and employees or those who belong to the organization
External users - customers, creditors, suppliers, competitors, the government, and the community to where the business belongs
Finance - the management of money or the moneyresourceitself
Finance - the effective and efficient acquisition, allocation, and utilization of funds
Types of capital
Human capital
Non-human capital (tangible and intangible)
Profit maximization - the ultimate objective of any business firm because it is the best way to increase the owners wealth and the value of the company
Accounting profits - are used by managers and owners to measure the performance of firms
Financial statements - the product of accounting, are indispensable tools to management, especially to financial managers
Basic Financial Statements
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Statement of changes in Owner(s) equity
Cash Flow Statement
Financial Accounting - deals with the recording of the business transaction and the preparation of the financial statement
Financial Accounting - provides objective financial information about the performance and stability of a company or business
Managerial accounting - the branch of accounting concerned of providing information to managers, those inside the organization, and those direct and control the company's organization
Managerial Accounting - includes information on the cost of product and services, budgets, performance report and other information
Managerial Accounting - focuses on the role of accounting information in the decision-making process of managers with responsibilities inside the organization
Financial Management - concerned with the efficient and effective allocation, acquisition, and use of funds
Financial Managers - responsible for forecasting and planning, making major investment and financing decisions, coordination and control, and dealings with the financial market.
Finance - deals with sources and uses of funds
Accounting - deals with recording financial transactions to determine results of operation and financial condition of the business; helps financial managers make decisions