Fosters a sense of belonging and continuity within a community
Freedom of expression
Contributes to personal and social development
Language rights
Recognize the inherent value of language
Promote social inclusion
Contribute to preserving linguistic diversity and cultural heritage
Carry unique knowledge, worldviews, and cultural expressions
Cultural identity
A vehicle for transmitting cultural practices, traditions, and values from one generation to another
Languagerights are an essential component of human rights
Enable individuals to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and experiences effectively
Contributes to inclusive and equitable education opportunities for all
Social inclusion
Accessing public services, legal systems, healthcare, and political processes in their language
Protecting minority and indigenous languages
Support language revitalization efforts
Facilitate freedom of expression
Significant to individuals and communities
Access to education
Enhances comprehension, engagement, and overall education outcomes
Safeguard the rights of language speakers
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
International Government on Civil and Political Rights
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Social inclusion
Ensure that individuals can participate fully in society
A language ceases to be spoken and is no longer actively transmitted to a new generation
Language documentation
Recording and archiving endangered languages through audio, video, and written materials
Efforts to address language endangerment include language documentation
Crucial for maintaining linguistic diversity and preserving cultural heritage
The state in which a language is at risk of becoming extinct or no longer being spoken
Can strengthen community cohesion, enhance cultural pride, and contribute to overall community well-being
Ways to support endangered languages
Raising awareness about language endangerment and the value of linguistic diversity
Government and policymakers
Play a significant role in supporting endangered languages
Promotion of LinguisticDiversity and InterculturalDialogue
They encourage the celebration and respect of different languages, foster an inclusive society where diverse language communities can interact, collaborate, and learn from each other
LanguageAccess and Services
Aimed to ensure equal access to essential services such as healthcare, legal system, public administration, and public information in minority and indigenous languages
Recognition and Official Language Status
Official Language Status provides legal recognition and protection for these languages, ensuring their use in various domains such as government, education, and public services
LanguageRights and Anti-Discrimination
Ensuring that individuals and communities are protected against discrimination based on language. They promote the rights used and maintain one's native language without facing linguistic prejudice or exclusion
LanguageEducation and Bilingualism
These programs provide opportunities for individuals to learn and use their native language alongside a dominant language
LanguagePlanning and Implementation
They involve collaboration between government bodies, language communities, educational institutions, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders
LanguagePolicies for Linguistic Diversity and Inclusion
These policies encompass the range of measures, strategies, and initiatives aimed to recognize, support, and protect minority and indigenous languages
LanguagePreservation and Revitalization
These initiatives involve documentation, language revitalization programs, and development of language resources such as dictionaries, grammars, and educational materials
InternationalFrameworks and Commitments
These include the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, and other international agreements that recognize the importance of linguistic diversity and the rights of the language community
Dynamic assessment
An interactive and individualized approach that focuses on the learning and development
Approaches to language assessment in multilingual settings where individuals possess proficiency in multiple languages
Portfolio assessment
Involves collecting and evaluating a collection of samples of a learner's work over a period of time
Observational assessment
Involves the systematic observation of learners' language and various contexts