Cards (5)

    • Individualist cultures value independence with each working to their own individual goals e.g. USA and Europe (Western Cultures).
    • Collectivist cultures value cooperation with each working towards the family or group goals e.g. Japan (Eastern Cultures)
    • Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) aimed to investigate if attachment styles (secure and insecure) are universal (the same) across cultures, or culturally specific (vary considerably from place to place, due to traditions, the social environment, or beliefs about children).
    • Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988)
      • They analysed data from other studies using a method called meta analysis. Data from 32 studies in 8 different countries was analyzed, involving a total of around 2000 infant participants.
    • Takahashi (1990) replicated the Strange Situation with 60 middle class Japanese infants & mothers using the same standardised procedure and behavioural categories. Takahashi’s observation revealed distinct cultural differences in how the infants responded to the 8 stages of the procedure. The findings were 0% insecure-avoidant. Infants became severely distressed in the “infant alone step”; this situation was quite unnatural and broke cultural norms for the infants, 32% insecure-resistant, 68% secure. 90% of infant-alone steps had to be stopped due to excessive infant anxiety.