indigenous and non indigenous

Cards (4)

  • biological factors
    BIRTH WEIGHT- mothers are twice as likely to give birth to a newborn with a LOW birth weight.
    BLOOD PRESSURE-1.2 more likely to have a high blood pressure
    BODY WEIGHT- 1.5 time more likely to be obese therefore higher rates of CVD cancers
    impaired glucose regulation
  • Sociocultural factors affecting Indigenous Australians' health:
    • Early life experiences: Indigenous mothers are more likely to smoke and drink alcohol during pregnancy
    • Food security: Indigenous Australians are more likely to suffer from food insecurity due to the expense and accessibility of nutritious food
    • Access to health care: less likely to access Western medicine for treatment, relying on their own remedies; geographical location and fear of judgement/racism can impact access to healthcare; some Western medicine may not be culturally appropriate
  • These factors could increase the risk of diseases going undiagnosed and untreated, leading to higher morbidity and mortality rates, and decreased life expectancy
  • environmental factors 

    ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE- more likely to live in rural and remote areas
    HOUSING- does not meet acceptable standards and over crowding
    increase risk of injury due to hazards and mental illness from stress from over crowding
    access to safe water- contribute to indigenous Australians having high rates of infection such as diarroeah and gastroenteritis.