Cards (4)

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that focuses on identifying and challenging irrational thoughts. Activities are set to change behaviours.
  • Beck’s CBT is a 16-20 week program that focuses on present experiences and issues. The therapist trains the patient in thought-catching, that is identifying and recording their automatic negative/irrational thoughts. Once identified the negative thoughts are challenged and reconstructed to avoid distortion due to the negative triad.
  • Another form of CBT is Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT). In this therapy Ellis’ ABC model is developed to the ABCDE model
  • The patient can reality-test their irrational thoughts by carrying out homework tasks such as testing new ways of thinking/behaving and then evaluating the evidence with the therapist. Diaries may also be used as evidence.